Cryptocurrencies crash!? Don't worries. Let me tell you what will happen next.

Hello everyone. My name's Paweł Barylski and it's my first private post on steem it.
By the way, it looks for very great service which we have here, with steem website.
I was following bitcoins and all cryptocurrencies since 2012 but in fact since 2014 it's my daily routine.

I tell you, that before I wasn't big.. It was mostly my dream, I tried so many things, that you cannot imagine. I could say that I'm expert in online businesses. The most important was that for last couple years I was opening many, many doors which are changing into huge profits and soon a lot of millions$. Small success of increasing money by around 10.000% this year, changing 5k into 500k, it's just the beginning.
I've decided to share with you my financial advices, because... why not . It's good to be like market, to grow if it's growing, but from time to time it's good to be better than market and have some insider knowledge right? :) I have some connections, which can be useful for all of you to make even more unbelievable gains.

So first of all you don't have to even worry about crash. Cryptocurrencies are not going anywhere.
People made a lot of money from moment when Ethereum was at 10$, Ripple for not even cent and Stratis for free. In fact I was buying Ether at 20$ and I felt late, cuz my very close friend and business partner bought around 50.000 ether's at 9$ . Funny, because he did it because of my recommendation :) . You know, if you could change 450k usd$ into 17millions usd$, game is changing. You look at it in different way and 1) yes you want to make from it 100M$ 2) you need to stay realistic.
That's why people are withdrawing money, to make sure they can book their profits.
Market is very revolutionary and even if Ethereum now come back to 100$ I would put all my savings into this game and I wouldn't be alone. Why? It's discount of 75%! Who is so stupid to sell me stocks at 75% discount! Bottom is same like top, but on different side. It would be same when Ethereum price was 400$. It was like... "WHAT?? 400? Omg , so nice..." . Now it will be "WHAT?? 150$? Omg, people are so crazy, buy it!". I want you to remind Warren Buffet "buy when it's blood is on the market". Even if it go to 50, on long run you can just make more money. You need to stay cool and never, ever let your emotions tell you what to do.. If you bought on the bottom, great! Stay there until you make again 10x, you will.

Well.. It may happen but the most important is that the market cap is only 100B$ .
When it was 20B$ I told everyone, look, it's going to go up to 100B$ and then it will be uncertainty. Why? It's just round number, huge one and already nice gains.. It will be probably pull back, cuz they are always somewhen, just nobody know when.. But you probably remember Elliott Waves? It was just first one .. from at least three (cuz it's not 100% rule).

With my friend Thorsten, who invested in ether at 9$. By the way, he made millions of $ on forex markets and is extremely experienced investor, who studied forex market for last 8years, maniacally 16-20h a day and testing thousands of systems. I would say he has Degree of Associate Professor in Forex. He calculated that market is currently ONLY 100B$, while forex market is sitting on more than 85trillion$. Wall Street wolfs are just waking up, world is looking at us and saying.. "What the hell is happening there" - and thinking "Damn.. I want to make so much returns too. Those solutions are game changers, they are pushing entire world to next level." If market will get only 5% of total forex market cap, it would be fair enough to say cryptocurrencies are future and future is now. 5% would be 4-5trillion$ market cap.. It's the answer for people who ask if it's too late.

Volatility is so high, because people come to the market like storm. They've seen opportunity and don't want to miss it. Look, if we have pool of potential money which is 85trillions$ and 5trillions$ is just thinking to fly into cryptocurrencies, this is a reason why we are gaining so fast.

  1. So at the end, if you are already in the market and you have leveraged positions, have minus and don't want to lose money, just protect them and let them survive until we are on next huge up wave. You can only win. Remember, you must be a winner not a loser. Winners always calculate risk properly.
  2. If you already sold, look for opportunity to buy little lower. You can also diversify by buying every 50$, starting now.
  3. Remember, no crash (right now), need to happen, because more and more people realize this what I wrote above.
  4. Somewhen market will crash and it's guaranteed, no matter what everyone tell you. It will 100%. E.g. if we drive prices of bitcoins to 10 or 20k, it must crash at least for a while. Markets always need fresh money.
  5. Don't worry about current price drop. Even if it crash, look at big picture. What will happen next.. Will we have judgement day? What then, end of the world? No.. people will put money in crypto again and others will take your money - in case if you don't calculate risk properly. Although I can imagine after this post you will do your homework and you will be person who take money of those who don't need them anymore.

Follow me, upvote, share and tell your friends, because I plan to share with you much more in future. I have no time to waste on useless posts, but I feel good to tell everyone how to make more money. That's why I'm going to write only very thought and important news, which can positively impact on your financial situation. You can treat me as "good angel", who is helping to take right action at right moment :)

Have a good day my friends.
Paweł Barylski

// It was my collection of thoughts and I don't bear any responsibility for your financial moves and your financial gains or loses. It's your money and you are doing with it completely this what you want.

By the way, this is what cryptocurrencies might do to current status quo :


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