Horses in winter

It was a balmy -32C today (that's -25F or so for those in the US). I wasn't planning on going to the barn today (in fact I was ordered to stay home by my barn owner) but like most insane horse owners I put my horse's health (she has mild recurrent uveitis and today was a treatment day) over my own (broke with shingles on my sciatic nerve a few days can google that to discover what horrors that involves).

To the unknowing eye this scene might seem chilly but calm. Happy horses eating hay, with Kegger already at the gate having seen my car. Not for me tho. 1 of these 4 is missing something rather significant!! Any guesses??
Here's a hint...when she was turned out this morning she was wearing 2 rugs over this "Bossy's Bib" (a shoulder guard that prevents the blanket rubbing...basically designer undies for horses!) which I thankfully found in the 1st tree line...could have easily blown 20 acres down the hill and into the river!)

Yup! My 17.1hh, 1600lb mare somehow undid ALL the straps to her ensemble and was naked. Not the complete end of the world as she's (1) a fat seal and (2) not clipped. Barn owner had only left them a few hours and she was fully dressed then! I now feel like the parent who buys their kid a $600 toy and they just play with the box 😒. Not even the tiniest bit sorry!

For @Daddykirbs...this is what having horses is like in -32 weather. Parka? Check! Fur-lined hat with ear flaps? Check! Icicles on whiskers? Triple check!! Horse trying to steal your hat? Yeppers!
(Kegger says hi by the way...always the ham!)

I stayed warm chasing this thing down for 15 minutes in the wind (did I mention shingles on my sciatic? Not sure if I'm dedicated or just a glutten for punishment!) and got her dressed.

And taped up! PSA: snaps make blanketing a bit easier...but are also a safety hazard as they obviously can come undone. They can also get hooked on fences/slow feed nets. Very grateful there was no damage done to horse! Duct tape saves the day yet again!

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