psychological terror - horror stories and sex

WARNING: What Is Published On This Page, Has The End Of Entertainment.

The following story is not recommended to read for moralistic or weak-minded people.
Contains graphic and sexual descriptions, We are not responsible for mental damage


There was Alyssa Romanova (Liss) interviewing a new client. He received about forty a day, of which barely half accepted the terms of the agreement, and very few made interesting requests. In front of her was a nineteen-year-old girl-pretty thin-who avoided making eye contact and wore a short skirt and tank top: her name was Jasmine Auz.

"All right, Miss Auz, did you come because you have something specific in mind or do you want me to suggest some of our most popular paraphilia?

"I've thought of something, but it's ... it's impossible." Hearing this, Alyssa barely avoided making a sound of annoyance; He listened to that word many times a day and rarely preceded a difficult fantasy to perform, usually referring to some incestuous situation or adultery, nothing that a good kidnapping could not solve. Very rarely there were more complex circumstances, but there was no impossibility for her.

"That word does not exist for us," Liss answered with complete conviction.

"I want to have sex with Ted Bundy," Jasmine replied, looking at her for the first time, immediately turning her gaze away and resuming her timid tone. Well, it should not be him, I do not want to have sex with a skeleton ... I could be an imitator.

-Ted Bundy, good choice. Do you have any other request?

-Yes, I want him to be aggressive, but not enough to hurt me permanently.

Liss told him that his room would be ready soon and told him to wait in room two. Jaz timidly entered that noisy place and took a seat away from the rest of the people. On stage there was a naked and gagged woman, standing with her arms and legs tied to the ends of the place; beside him was a woman in a tiny leather dress, wearing a black rabbit mask that only exposed her lips, and on the edge of the stage there was an evil-looking old woman, sitting in a rocking chair with a basket full of utensils diverse

The rabbit approached the chained woman with a giant machete, caressed her body and bit one of her nipples causing it to shudder. He introduced two fingers to his mouth to moisten them and began to manipulate the clitoris of his slave, who despite the fear, could not help but feel pleasure. With his free hand, he raised his machete and dropped it on his victim's left thigh, slicing it like a fillet, and causing it to writhe frantically and groan in pain. He threw the piece of skin at the old woman, who began to manipulate him with her wrinkled and deformed fingers.

The torturer continued to skin her like an animal, pulling at her skin and using the machete when necessary, while her victim whined pleadingly. He tossed the pieces of skin to the old woman, who moved her hands with an abnormal speed and did not allow to see what she was doing with those human remains.

The stage was spattered with blood and the victim no longer reacted too much; Jazmìn was impressed, she wanted to touch that reddish and slimy body that barely had skin on her arms, feet and face. The sadistic hare took a pair of tweezers from the old woman's tools, removed the gag from the bloody figure and began to tear out her teeth one by one, tossing them to the old woman who took them and used them for an unknown purpose. When he finished with his teeth, he watched her closely: he no longer retained any strength and was barely sustained by the long chains. He stroked his agonized face with blood flowing from the hurt gums, and kissed him trying to lick all the blood in him. Suddenly the old woman's voice interrupted her, her strange assignment was over.

Standing it could be noticed that the old woman could not measure more than five feet. She walked towards the masked woman holding the pile of human skin, untied her little leather outfit that fell to the floor, revealing a perfect youthful body, and, instead, placed the pieces of skin she had turned into a dress. He removed the mask and replaced it with a headband that he had decorated with the torn teeth. When the old woman retired, Jasmine could see that the sadistic rabbit was only a fifteen-year-old girl.

With the leather dress and the headband it looked like a gore version of the tooth fairy. He walked across the stage as if it were a catwalk, and finally bowed to the audience that erupted in applause. Jaz was amazed at the spectacle and joined the general enthusiasm, until a high-pitched voice frightened her.

"Miss Auz, your room is ready," said a maid. It corresponds to the two hundred seven, follow me.

Jasmine followed her to the second floor, then she was given a card and a small key, both with the number two hundred and seven in them; It seemed a little strange to him to accompany her to that point, but not to her room, but she did not give importance to him and dedicated herself to look for her room.

They all had large metal doors, which made her a little nervous, but she kept walking until the seven hundred and seven and slid her card through the indicated slot; the door slid automatically. Jaz took a couple of steps inside and the door closed again, startling her. Behind a small corridor was a wooden door with a sign on it, "T. Bundy »; For a moment she felt like Clarice visiting Lecter, but unlike them, there would not be a glass between them here. He put the key in the lock, praying that the fame of the place was justified and that a plump and grotesque Bundy impersonator would not appear in front of her. He turned the key and entered the place.

It was a hotel room like anybody, with little furniture (it seemed that his budget had come that far) and he could see a squat man who seemed very abstracted in some activity, because he did not even turn around when she closed the door. He was on his back, so Jasmine approached cautiously trying to find out what he was doing. When he was only a meter away, he found out with horror: he was crouched over the body of a woman, extracting his intestines with the help of a long knife.

Jaz could not suppress a scream and the man turned towards her, it was incredibly similar to the photographs and videos he had seen of Ted Bundy; the cruel murderer spattered with blood left the body inert and approached her, still holding his sharp weapon. The woman was paralyzed by a wave of excitement and terror, which increased when he held her tightly by the hair and kissed her brusquely, then slapped her so hard that he knocked her down.

Jasmine's face burned and throbbed deliciously with pain, and she longed for this man more than ever. He knelt in front of her, ran his bare legs slowly with the knife until he reached her skirt, which cut violently causing wounds to his thighs, while his light shirt gave way easily to the edge, as well as his underwear.

That psychopath closed one of his long strong hands around Jasmine's neck while penetrating her bestially, then he took the legs of the young woman and put them on his shoulders, after which he began to punish him hard in the face until it bleed.

She enjoyed with that intense pain that none of her previous lovers had managed to provide, and suffered an almost orgasmic spasm when she felt her lower lip break releasing a good amount of blood, which she licked with a lascivious grimace, which infuriated her partner .

  • So you like blood, bitch! He said at the same time that he dragged her by the hair to where the body was and threw her face down on him. Bundy kept her that way, kneeling in front of that human wreck, and thrusting his throbbing member through her anus as she whipped her head against the exposed organs of what was once a woman.

So, being sodomized, with her head buried between guts, and feeling that serial killer cut her in the back and legs that were moistened with sweat and blood, Jasmine had the greatest orgasm of her life, and in a short time she felt how her Wounds were sprinkled with seminal fluid.

to be continue

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