STEEMIT WEIRD TALES #2 - Ghost testimonies

Broad daylight sighting by /u/s1eep

I was walking with my friend and his kid, he wanted to go and get something from a coffee shop in town, but I didn't like that place, so I split off and went to go chill at a picnic bench at the park on the way back to his house; meet back up with them on their way back.
So, I'm sitting there, broad daylight, not a cloud in the sky, just looking around. . . .and I notice something in the sky. Like a perfectly round displacement in the sky. I looked away, and looked back at it about ten times, even tried moving around a bit between glances. It was fixed in place.
I've seen lots of strange moving lights at night, but this thing totally took the cake. After a minute or two, I shit you not: it started emitting clouds around itself. These emissions then trailed off to form some really elaborate imagery. It's hard to describe the appearance of this. Imagine that the blue sky wasn't the sky at all, but a lake you were looking down upon. The clouds formed the skeletal structure of, what I'll call a leviathan. It appeared as though when the head breached the surface, prior to diving back in, that it was staring directly at me. I was given the impression that whatever was doing this didn't want me looking at it.
As the shape continued it's translation: the head submerged again, and the shape's spine continued it's arc. At a certain point: its spine split in two, length-wise to form a massive cavity between these bands. In this cavity was what looked like a city, buildings and roads, etc. As I stared at this city: my vision began to stretch and blur, and I felt like I was being drawn into it. I felt like I had to pull myself away from it.
I broke line of sight, and just stared at my feet for a minute. When I looked back up: the circular distortion was gone, along with the cloud shape I had seen. Not a cloud in the sky. My friend came down the side walk about 5 minutes later.

Ghost in the salvage yard by /u/MysticaldelaSierrra

Then I turned thinking it was my boss's 8 year old grand daughter, because it resembled her, but guess what?, there was noone there!. My coworker sitting about 6ft away from me saw me turning to see who it was. I remember seeing brown hair in a ponytail pass by, the feminine voice of a child mumble something. I swear I saw her!. I almost pulled a "The exorcist" head turn just to look all around see if I missed her lol.
I work in an auto salvage yard, not surprised if there's ghosts abound, but in the three years I've worked here I've never seen/experienced something relatable to this incident. (Besides from the creepy-ass haunted RV my boss bought for the night watch men.)
It was around 11am this morning, controlled environment, no customers around, little girl suspected was in the manager's office the whole time. Maybe this was a glitch in the Matrix, maybe a spirit passing by, maybe another dimension intermingling with ours. Whatever it was, it was certainly food for thought.
Left me a bit disoriented.

Scariest night of my life by /u/ravage037

It was about 2:30 am i couldn't sleep so I decided to take out my bong and hit some tokes to help me sleep. So I open up my window, hit 2 small tokes and packed it up. Just wanna point out by the timed I put that shit away and was laying in bed when this started was about 3am.
So Im just chilling in bed a little buzzed form the weed, (I was a daily smoker at the time and 2 small tokes was nothing Im sure other pot heads can confirm) and I hear heavy ass foots steps that slowly come to my door, first I thought it was my mom or dad coming to bitch at me for smoking inside but after about 30sec of dead silence, the silence where u hear nothing but that loud ass ringing in ur ears i jumped outa bed quick af and swung open my door only to see an empty hallway. (another note every one in my house is asleep and if it was my bother going to the washroom I would heard him opening closing his door because he always does.)
So I lay back down dont think much of it put some ear buds in and listen to some music turn to face the wall and close my eyes, not even 10mins into that I feel some thing flick my ear, I turn over and my rooms empty. so at that point i said well fuck this ima sleep in my living room.
I go lay on the couch in the living room and relax more cuz its more open. After about 5mins I start to hear a cat sharpen its claws on the far end of the couch by the tv. Having calmed down I wonder to my self oh which cat is that? I look to my right and 2 of my cats are on chair 1&2, i look to window 1 and my 3rd and final cat is sitting on the window sill... well I was looking for all 3 of my cats this noise got louder and louder btw which was freaky as hell and as soon as I noticed that what ever the fuck was scratching the end of my couch wasn't my cats it stopped.
Finally the last thing to happen was I looked out window 2 around 2-5mins later and noticed someone left my back porch light on cuz it was shining on my garage but after that happening I wasn't gonna get up and shut it off, 30sec after i noticed the dim light it slowly got brighter and birther till my entire back yard was lite up like daylight and as quick as u can snap ur fingers it went pitch black.
fyi i would say the light went from a burnt out orange colour allmost like a street light to what u would see coming outa a brand new led flash light, but we dont have a street light that can shine on that part of the garage/back yard the light also seemed to be coming from above the garage and my back porch light was working fine the next day so it didnt burn out. the final thing I can add is as a kid i had 2 previous cats, both of them are buried in my back yard...


Those stories are taken from /r/Paranormal feel free to visit.


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