Philippine Mythical Creature - Aswang (Posted at


Aswang is a Filipino word, it has no definite meaning in foreign languages but it can be classified as Vampire or any other mythological creatures in the other country. Aswang are just one of the many of Philippine mythological creatures, which it is believed that it transform it's human body into some kind of inhuman nature. It drinks blood of people just like Vampire and eat people and animals too. But their favorite is small babies especially when the baby is sick and dying.

Most of the story is in the province's, which they said babies that are already dead and bought home must be guarded or else the Aswang will change the baby. They say the Aswang will get the baby and change it to something like a piece of log or a rice husk in the sack. Who ever will look at in it, what you will see in the coffin is still a baby. Aswang has some kind of power mirage, that's why everybody who has a dead relatives will fully guard the coffin.

The Filipino believes the truth about the existence of Aswang and others alike which is in the Philippines mythology is being extend because of the influence of animism which start from the Filipino ancestry. And also when the Espanish foreigner came into the Philippines.


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