A Face to Face with an Ex-aswang (a vampire like creature)

A Face to Face with Ex-aswang

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Here is the continuation of aswang episode, the face to face encounter of the minister to the ex-aswang.

One day, somebody was calling him and he doesn't know who it was. The caller just said that he saw the minister in the 700 Club Asia and he wants him to pray over for him. He said that he came from the families of aswang. And he wants to cut his ties to this curse, being aswang or a vampire like creature, because he is now a born-again believer in Jesus.

Amazing, he thought! An actual ex-aswang who is now a believer in Jesus! He was so excited and at the same time puzzled. What would be his face then? Will he come to the church with his wings and fangs showing? He never seen one up close. Come to think of it, he never seen one before and that's period.

And then he came. He wears pants and t-shirts, a seemingly very normal guy. He could not be differentiated from any of us. He seemed very average. And so, he started interviewing this aswang. And he remembered asking this questions:

"Are you really an aswang? Or vampire like creature?"
And he answered, "Yes before. And I came from the family of aswang."
"Then why you don't look like one, like aswang? At least, not like the ones that we saw portrayed on TV.
He answered, "We are also human. But the spirit of aswang, the demonic spirit, is what resides within us. That's what makes us fly, and makes us like to kill people."

His answer make sense. If the aswang or vampire like is being possessed by a demon, and demon have the same nature as satan, who has come "to steal, kill and destroy" (John 10:10, NIV), then that is also what they want --- to steal, kill and destroy. Of course, the good news is still the same --- if satan bows down to the power of Jesus' name, and the aswang spirit is but a minion of satan, then the aswang spirit must also bow down to Jesus' name.

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And so they start the deliverance session. By asking him to repent to the Lord for his personal sins and the sins of his family of accommodating the spirit of aswang. And then by renouncing any connection with it. This he did.

Now the ministers turn is to wage spiritual warfare. He rebuked the aswang spirit and declared, "In Jesus' name, aswang spirit in this man, I cut you off by the sword of the Lord and I cancel your assignment in his life. I command you to get out, in Jesus' name." After saying those words the man began to vomit. Mucus came out to his mouth. His fingers started to form like claws. And using a few more spiritual weapons as written on Corinthians 10:4,6 he continued to bombard the aswang spirit with the weapons of God. And then it was over, in less than 30 minutes!

What he presumed to be a long-haul kind of warfare turned out to be a quick one, owing to at least two factors. One, because the man really wants to be set free from the spirit of aswang. And two, the man himself has already turned to Jesus as his Savior and Lord long before they had the actual deliverance session. Jesus is the most powerful Being in the whole wide universe.

Once He becomes a person's Savior, there is nothing that can ever come against Him, not even satan himself. And once we decide to follow Him with our whole being, whatever demonic spirit that is holding us captive will have to leave in haste at the believer's rebuke that is done "in Jesus' name!"

We seem to think especially when we are young ones that aswang or vampire like, looks so ugly, with scary face and fire like eyes. Though, we also seen it on TV that they also turn into a person mingled with us sometimes. And now the truth is we know, they are not always like a scary one but a beautiful, handsome person that can capture your heart. Beware who knows they might one of your acquaintances!

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Fight the Frightening Phenomenon
Hiram Pangilinan

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