Horoscope: Mar 5th, 2020 ~

On around Mar 5th, Venus enters the realm of Taurus, and on around Mar 8th, overlaps with Uranus.
An overlap of the two planets is generally a once-in-a-year event (It may sometimes happen twice or three times due to retrogrades of the two).

The overlap may bring you a change in romance or a chance to find your talents.
It could be a bit surprising.
For example, let's say you are not brave enough to decide on marriage with your current boyfriend.
All of a sudden, his transfer to another country is set, and you quickly need to decide if you marry him to accompany him.
Or, if you are an artist, you may be inspired by a work by another artist.
It may not be achievements by your hard work, but rather, unexpected gifts or trials.

Moon is in Virgo during the overlap.
You may need to listen to others and be objective.
For example, if you want to decide whether you marry him, you need to evaluate him objectively.
It may be easy to find lots of his faults during this time, making your decision even harder.
Be objective and find both good and bad sides of him in the relationship with you.
What I want to remind you is to be humble enough to think that the good and bad sides of him are not universal things.
If someone else tries evaluating him, the bad sides of him may not be valued as "bad."
Another example is that you need to be appreciative of works by other artists to be inspired by them.
You may lose a chance to create a better work if you keep denying what other artists, your competitors, are doing.

Uranus may bring you conflicts with the people around you as well.
If you accompany your boyfriend to another country, your parents may be disappointed as they may expect you to live nearby so they can see you anytime, even after your marriage.
Or, your new talent could a bit non-conforming, and other artists may feel disturbed and criticize you.
I don't think you need to care about it too much, though.
Be in your own way.


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