Horoscope Feb 20th, 2020 ~ Mar 19th, 2020



It is one month before your birthday, and it is said that it is the period you get tired of your life.
Besides, as Venus is in Aries, you may become more impulsive towards the words and the actions of others and may hurt them.
They may still be kind to such you, like saying, "You are right in a sense."
If you don't have any people around you, you can try being nice to yourself, like reducing the amount of your work a bit.
Or you can try connecting with people.
In that case, try giving away what you have to the people you want to connect with.
Do not expect any return from it.
If they thank you with a big smile, it is what they return to you.

And it is also the time of introspection and being reactive to others.
Watch how others stir you and analyze it to know true you.
Moving forward and actively taking action are not only ways to know yourself.
For example, if you tend to attack successful people, what elements in such people drive you into it?
Are you jealous?
What elements do they have to make you feel jealous?
They may have what you desire but don't have.
Or maybe the successful people have positive or negative attitudes which make you feel uneasy.
I believe that watching yourself reacting to others is a more "efficient" way to know yourself because it doesn't demand you energy-consuming actions.
I understand that it is boring for you, Aries people, though.


Follow procedures and customs to succeed this month.
You may encounter an obstacle on the way.
But it doesn't mean that you are wrong.
It is probably the one you need to overcome rather than to avoid.
So my advice to you is, "Don't stop there but go ahead!"

The star of sudden changes, Uranus, is in Taurus.
The problem with it is that necessary changes are delayed as you are too conservative and reject to accept the changes.
I understand that you want the changes delayed forever.
But in most cases, the changes will come when it is too late.

So prepare for the changes this year while Jupiter and Saturn are waiting for you to support you.
It may look you still have some time, but I think you are too optimistic.
For example, start a side job this month.
If you work at a company that doesn't allow you to do side jobs, negotiate with your boss, or you can even think of changing jobs.
This month is a good time to do such negotiations and preparations.


People become "wet" during this period, and it may be a difficult time for Gemini people.
What I mean by "wet" is that people are connected with empathy or social roles.
And you may find it difficult to break into such connections as you don't have much empathy or don't want to be bound by the social roles.
It may be easy to break in for a moment with your excellent communication skills.
But some people may feel uneasy with your break-in.
For example, you only join a group when the group is at the best moment or when there are no other groups you can join.
And some people of the group may not like you "taking only the best of the group."

If you don't give a thing, you can not take a thing.
And you need to commit to communities if you want to join them.

So my advice to you is to commit to a specific group or a thing.
Or, if you take something, return it at the site.
For example, if you join a group for a moment, provide an exciting story of yourself immediately to entertain them.

To recognize what you take from the perspective of a giver may change how you look so the givers won't feel "exploited" by you.


In this first half of the year, Cancer people may experience a trial.
It is not a bad thing as you find what you want from your life through the trial.
And this month, such a tendency may become stronger.
You may get help or support, though.
If you have an opponent to defeat in the trial, you can even be a friend with him.
He opposes you because he has his reasons.
You can understand him and negotiate with him to end the battle.

For example, let's say your partner's mother doesn't like you.
Maybe you should discuss it with your partner so you can put a distance with his mother even after the marriage.
Another example is that let's say your boss gives you too much work.
Maybe you should decide whether you tackle all the work to get promoted and have your own team to create a world where you are the boss.
Or, you may want to spend more time with your family or reduce the amount of work to concentrate on a few to improve the quality of your work.
It is an excellent time to "choose" what you want and control your life so you don't think back in the later life like "I could have chosen a better life."


It is good to have your opinion.
But during this period, insisting too much of it may bother others as it is the time when people are connected with empathy or through social roles.
I believe that the kind of connections is what you don't feel comfortable with.

You may need a bit of tolerance during the period.
Follow the procedures and customs in the community to get what you want.
Lots of different people live in the same community.
And you have the right to live decently in it, so do others.
The procedures and customs are for people, including you, to live together.

For example, others want to be loved, like you do.
Or, others want to be recognized as special, like you do.
For all of the people to live together with such conflicting rights, giving more to people with more contributions to the community is the idea quite fair.

So, my advice to you is to give something to others.
It may not be returned immediately.
But the more special what you give is, the more special what you take will be.


You may get new friends or new plans you want to devote yourself to and may need to choose from them.
If you need to cut one of them off, try being nice to him/her if it is a friend, so no one has reasons to criticize you.

You may want to search for true love towards your partner or a genuinely fulfilling job.
However, what I believe is that Virgo people need forms or materials, not something mental or emotional.
For example, if your partner doesn't marry you, he doesn't love you in the view of a Virgo, you.
Or, let's say you work more than you are paid, and your boss still doesn't increase your salary.
Then, you are exploited, whatever the reasons for the low salary.

So, if you are in unrequited love, or work for a boss who doesn't value your work, maybe it is time to abandon them and get new ones.

Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are in Capricorn to support your Sun sign.
Also, for this month, Mars is in Capricorn, and it may be an excellent time to get new ones for you.
Try not to disgrace somebody on the way, though.
For example, if you want to change a job, maybe you should discuss it with your boss first, before talking to the human resources department (The correct procedure depends on companies).


Even a private company isn't always run rationally.
When it was just a small startup, it had a fabulous vision and new technology.
As it grows into a big company, its purpose becomes to maintain its big body and sales.
And its vision has been faded away.
In the end, it even tries to corner its capable employees with their empathy, or keep hiring the incapable employees with sympathy (in Japan).
Indeed, you cannot avoid irrationality and conservatizing to run a big company.

This month, some Libras may be challenged, especially in relationships.
(The real challenge may come next month.)
For example, you may be an excellent communicator and can enjoy talking with everyone, but you may realize that some friends with whom you can enjoy talking more than with others.
Or, you may be working for a big and irrational company reasonably well, but you may start thinking if there may be better companies for you.

Many of you may be quite good at working at and making use of an irrational, big company I wrote above.
But it doesn't mean you want to work at such a company.

Sun is in Pisces this month, and your theme may be, "Whom/what are you to devote yourself to?"
It means that whom/which rational you are to give your heart to.
If it is a person, he/she may have the potential to work actively forever at the forefront.
Or, he/she has already established fame, and he/she can earn money with it until retirement.
But life is long enough for some people to encounter a misfortune, and you cannot be entirely secured by being with him/her, who is perfect at this moment.
It may be what you need to compromise.


You may need to (re)establish communication with the people around you or society this month.
For example, you are in a new environment and need to adapt your communication style with it.
Or, you may be transferred to a different department, and you need to organize a list of who you want to keep in contact with even after the transfer.
Or, let's say you are a freelance, and you may need to establish communication with customers so you can expand your sales.

It may be the theme of this year for you, and this month may be its highlight.

Sun is in Pisces.
So the keyword to succeed in the theme is to "enjoy."
Establish a communication style with which you feel comfortable or enjoying, and you may need to cut off communication that is hard to maintain for you.

Uranus is in Taurus.
So it may be impossible to maintain a certain communication even if you want.
For example, let's say you are transferred to a distant town, and you may need to break up with your current boyfriend.
Yes, I know a distance is not even an obstacle but a "fuel" for your love.
But you may be quite a good age to have a baby, and you may not be able to wait any longer if you want one.

Being patient is a good trait of Scorpio people, but I think Uranus in Taurus urges you to do something for a prolonged problem right away.


The keyword this month is to "look at what pioneers have done."
Your dream and ideas may have already been achieved by someone else.
Or, someone may have failed in it.
If you can join the pioneers, it is the best.
If you can learn from the failure by someone else, you don't need to fail in the same way.

Or, you may need something new not only to you but to everybody in society so you can intrinsically succeed in your life: in the most extreme terms, your freedom is only achieved where no one has ever stepped into.
For that, you may need to know what others have done in the field where you are working.

Sometimes, Sagittarius goes too far alone.
But this month, you may need to get a concent from your family, or need to find friends to do what you want.
Maybe you cannot continue dreaming further alone.

Still, you may say you don't have family or friends, or don't need them forever.
But I think it is good to have your place you can come back at any time.
For example, find a favorite cafe or pub.
Or make friends in other fields, with whom you can talk about your dreams.
Then, you may encounter dramas, and you may feel disturbed at first.
It is a chance to stop for a while and face the negative sides of your or someone else's life.

I understand that your positiveness is your good trait.
But if it only comes from the fact that you don't know any negatives or that you unconsciously ignore them, your words won't reach the hearts of different people.


It may be a time to conclude these one or two years.
The star of trial, Saturn, finally goes into Aquarius from Capricorn, soon.
(It comes back to Capricorn after a few months and stays for the rest of the year. So it is yet to go, though.)
Just before the ingress, the star of the fight, Mars gets into your sign, Capricorn, to support you.
It is an idea to tolerate and obey under a trial.
But you have Mars to help you this month, so use its power and be aggressive.

Prepare a reason you need to be the one from the perspective of the community.
Prepare a reason you need to do it from the perspective of the community.
Those reasons may help you to get what you want.
The community won't give you what you want just because you want it.
But if it needs you, it will give it to you as it wants you to continue contributing to the community.

For example, if you want to be a leader of a project, give those reasons to your boss.
Be objective and talk in view of your boss' circumstances.

During the last one or two years, if you have decided to commit yourself to the company, I, indeed, agree with you that you are the type of person the company needs.
Or, if you decided to work alone, your customers will probably find that it is easy and reliable to do business with you.
Be confident in yourself.


This month is the best time for you to input something like the history, tradition of what you specialize, or to understand the problems, systems of society.

You need to find something new in society, as your work is only recognized as "original" when it is something nobody else has done before.
And you need the input and understanding I wrote above to do it.

Aquarius is the sign of genius.
So, some of you may be able to find something new without much work.
If you are not, maybe it is an excellent time to input something to find what hasn't been done in society.

It is said that "Necessity is the mother of invention."
Learn from the input and understand the people or things in society, and empathize with them.
Then, one of them might confess his torment, and you may be able to find a solution for it.
The solution may be very new and original, and maybe it is what you want.
Or, it will also do to invent something you need because others may need what you need.

Aquarius people are said to be unique and it may be a little difficult for others to understand.
But by inventing what they need, you may still not be understood, but maybe you are praised and needed at least.


It is time to put effort so you can be "renowned" with your quality with which you are born.
For example, let's say you are an excellent empath, and people like to talk to you about their problems.
Then, you can study to be a counselor so you can make use of the quality.
Or, let's say you like to imagine your own world, then you can give it life to share it with others.
Yes, it is not easy, as imagination and giving it life, creation, are two different things: imagination is where you are truly free, but creation is generally restricted by your skill.
But don't dismiss it before you try.

You have good quality, but it doesn't mean you can do a good job only with it.
For example, I think a counselor needs logic as well, in addition to empathy.
If you are not good at logic, you should learn it to add to your quality to be a better counselor.

Pisces is said to be good at building close relationships with a small number of people whom you feel comfortable with.
Astrologically speaking, you can do it with a larger number through your social roles, like counselors or creators I wrote above.
If the number is big, there will be more chances to acquaint with someone you are better-fit with.
Besides, you may encounter the type of people you favor in a different field so you can broaden your view much more than you could ever do only with what God gave you.


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