Horoscope Feb 1st, 2020 ~ Feb 19th, 2020



You may need to challenge existing power or system this year.
For example, you may need to work for a company for money or for the experience required to work freelance in the future.
For that, you need to "defeat" your boss or colleagues, and make them realize you are capable.
Or, you may start uploading videos on YouTube and trying attracting the attention of an audience who currently doesn't know you and is into other popular YouTubers.
The time of the audience is limited, so you need to take it from other YouTubers.

In the 1st half of February, your ideas may make you free from the power or the system.
If you plan a project by yourself, you can be the leader of the plan.
Or, if you upload a video of which idea is entirely new, you may get views comparable to the famous YouTubers.

If you are successful, you may be spotlighted around Feb 9th.
Unfortunately, it could be a flaming, though.
It is OK if the flaming is the result of being honest to yourself.


You are under protection through this year.
It is good to be dependent on power and system.
If you are uncertain where you are going, you can ask your friends or counselors for advice.
If you are earning too little to stay alive, don't hesitate to be dependent on public assistance.
You had been supporting others by paying taxes, some of which are probably used for public assistance.
It is your turn to be supported.

It is a time of change.
You need to accept different views and opinions.
If your kid wants to be a YouTuber, help him to be.
And you can advise him to have a plan "B," so if he fails to gather enough subscribers, he can still make a living with the plan.
If your finance is getting worse, try making it better by changing rather than watch it with horror.

In the first half of Feb, try accepting different views and opinions through your reliable friends or family.
Maybe one of your friends starts his own business, and you should support him, rather than telling him not to take the risk.
It is not a change for him but for you who stubbornly believe that starting a business is a scary thing and is impossible to succeed.
Yes, try changing yourself, rather than your family or friends.


You may need to choose one this year.
If you want to have a family, you need to choose one partner and decide to be with him until you die.
You can divorce, but marriage is still supposed to be a forever thing, and your partner is probably expecting it.
Or, in Japan, most employees are still expected to devote themselves to one company, despite side jobs are called for, and you may need to choose one company this year.

If you choose one, you may get more.
For example, if you choose one partner and marry, you may be considered as a sincere, respectful guy (especially in Japan).
Or, let's say you are not very capable, but merely devoting to one company, keeping the rules and obeying the orders of it for years may make you promoted.
You may not need such status, but it makes people listen to you, and the world may change.

To note that to use power and system (the system of the company or your country, or your boss, etc.) for the sake of yourself is not good enough this year.
Contribute to them and maintain them.
And your life will be enriched, and you get more words to entertain others if that's what you all want.

In the 1st half of Feb, try searching for your originality.
It is not good enough to get superficial information.
Take a risk and be a stakeholder.
And you will get something more than "information," priceless experience.

Your 1st half of Feb may be exciting.
You may have chances to know different views and opinions.
You may feel it's enough, but consider speaking out your own.
Others cannot speak it out for you because it is yours, which no others know unless you speak it out.
That is called your "originality."


This year, you may get an answer to the question like "What/Whom is most important for me?"
It could be as a result of a situation like you are almost losing something.
For example, you may be too busy to spend time with your family, and realize that it is more important to have more time with your family rather than your promotion at the company.
Or, you may change your job, your working style may not fit the new job, and you realize that the working style you thought is natural is not for others.
Your style may result in a negative for this year, but it is probably your advantage in other circumstances.
Be confident.

My advice for this year is to maintain good relationships with the people around you.
They may help you when you are stuck.
Or, they may be a good source of your motivation to work hard to feed them if it is about the relationship with your family.

In the 1st half of Feb, try accepting new ideas, views, or people to improve the community to which you belong.
Cancerians are said to stay in a particular community and nurture the relationship with the people there persistently.
So, new things could make you feel disturbed at first.
Try not to remove the source of the disturbance, but accept it.
It is good learning and experience to have new things in the community for everybody, including you.


This year, try impressing people with what you have.
If you want to impress the people around you, give them care, or have empathy towards them.
If you want to impress people all over the world, you need a big success, like succeeding in your own business by yourself.
I understand that you are priceless, even if you don't have any success.
But if you want a reputation and praises, you need it.

This year may be a time of bitter experience for you.
It means that what you don't value may prosper this year, and you may not be properly valued.
What you should do during this time depends.
You can wait for better timing, or you can try impressing people with the ways I stated above.

In the 1st half of Feb, it is time to get your originality, which has the essence of who you are.
You need to do work that represents yourself and impresses people at the same time.
If you do unique work, you are recognized with the work, and only after that, you will be in the spotlight as a person of who you think you are.


This year, your diligence may be highly valued.
The outlook for the future is bleak, and many people are worried about their finance after their retirement.
In such times, maybe the best solution is to save money and work diligently for a big company which won't go bankrupt quickly.
Even if it does, you will find a new job with a career at the big company and the attitude you continuously study for better performance.

How much you can learn from a job all depends.
Some people can learn so much even if they stay at a company for their lives.
Some people can learn little even though they experience a lot of different jobs.
Be the former.

It is the era of Meritocracy.
But what all the companies want may be obedient employees.
They don't want too capable and rebellious employees as they may take over the positions of the existing executives.
So, if you want a stable and peaceful life, choose a big, decent company and be obedient to it.

In the 1st half of Feb, you should try coming up with a new idea.
Just obeying the orders of your boss with the procedures you are told is not good enough.
You don't need to look new, though.
You can do your routine work with a bit of ingenuity, and then you may be able to contribute more to your partner or the company.


Old things may prevail this year, like old ideas, systems, customs, words, and power.
Most Libras like new and sophisticated things, so you may feel awkward.
It may sound bad news, but it is an excellent time to look at past and histories to find something good about them even for Libras.
Old things tend to be more "sophisticated" in a sense, despite how it provokes in you, as they had been nurtured slowly and carefully over time.
They do have adverse elements, but they are not as evil as you believe.

The old things give you stability, a feeling of being safe, and nostalgia as you are used to them.
If you can understand what it means, you may be able to communicate well with older people.

In the 1st half of Feb, with lots of efforts and trials in Jan, you may finally come up with your own new idea.
It is easy and efficient to follow the trends someone else started or use the ideas of others.
And it is what you are good at.
But this month, try coming up with your own ideas to improve the situations you felt not right in Jan.
Put aside your worry about whether it is realistic to realize the idea.


There are insights hidden in old things like traditions, customs, or authority.
They don't exist for a long time for no reason.
It is the right time this year for you to learn how you live through this world or to get an old-but-gold idea from the old things.
Also, you might reach a plateau if you try expressing yourself all by yourself.
In that case, find how established intellectuals express it.
For example, when you speak your opinion, you can refer to the intellectuals whose words support it, so your words become more persuasive and more abundant.

In the 1st half of Feb, universality is your keyword.
In this time, you may find ideas insisting too much on their creators themselves, and you may be tired by them.
But don't just ignore them as useless, as they may be expressing the universality of this era in a sense.
What is the use of it?
Well, you can understand the world and the era more, and it will make your words and work more abundant!
Be more open to ideas by someone else.

Finally, it is the right timing to understand that many people live struggling to find their originality.
Some Scorpios may think that the originality of an individual is not essential, and it is quite a waste of time to struggle for it.
But for many others, it is.


This year, try creating an asset of your own.
It could be savings, properties, or skills, etc.
At the same time, it could weaken your advantage of being quick to do whatever comes up in your mind, as people not limited to Sagittarius tend to protect your asset rather than challenge new things.
So, try being careful with what you create.
Pick up what you need or want, and be brave enough to invest big in it.
Do not pick up what you feel that you want or need only for that moment.

You might have been having new challenges and trials enough last year.
Pick one from them carefully.

In the 1st half of Feb, try expressing what your instinct tells you in words, to make yourself motivated.
The problem with Sagittarius people is that their inspiration doesn't last long in many cases.
So express your inspiration in words and put it up in your room to look it up every day to motivate yourself.
This year, it is the right timing to learn to keep yourself motivated as you need long-time diligence to create your asset.


This year, you will be the star.
You may achieve a goal like getting promoted in your job.
Some Capricorn people's identities tend to depend on their job title.
So you may be delighted with the promotion, and finally, you can be yourself.

If you have an illness, you may recover from it and be able to go back to work.
Even in that case, don't think you start from behind.
To fight against illness is a good experience as it nurtures your empathy towards other disadvantaged people.
In Japan, two heavily handicapped won a national election and now are members of the Diet, and expected to increase diversity and inclusion of the system in Japan.
What I'm trying to say is that what looks negative may work positively in your life one day.

So my advice to you will be not to be too proud of your success.
And think of another goal this year.

In the 1st half of Feb, get acquainted with new ideas.
I don't mean to throw away all your success or what you have to take in new ideas.
Instead, think of using old and useless things in a new way.
For example, if you need to fire employees in the old and low-profit business, you may think of transferring them to a new business if they wish.

If you find it difficult to change how things work as you are too used to the current system, try asking for advice from others, or hire people who are new to the system and listen to what they say about it.
Be open to different people with different opinions.
Don't shut them up just because they belong to different business departments or cultures.

I believe in some companies, changing the system is carried out by changing the leader.
So if you are lucky enough not to be fired and be even given a chance to change the current system, thank for it and be humble enough to listen to others.


It is an excellent time to take a rest for most Aquarius people this year.
It is a time of resignation, acceptance, and recovery from a scar.

Have you realized your ideal world in the last 12 years?
I believe that an ideal world is meant to fail astrologically, as long as it is ideal.
Have you compromised on what you are up to properly?
Do you now understand why Utopia is not realized on the earth so far?

Think of a reason why your ideal world has failed.
Maybe it was just too early to realize.
Or maybe it was absolute nonsense.

Plan to realize your ideal world realistically next time so you will succeed.
Yes, it is a plan you need, not a more ideal, imaginary world.
To do that, you may need to dive into reality and know it well this year.
And then, you will be a hero next year.

In the 1st half of Feb, it is time to abandon what you don't need.
For example, I understand that you want many different friends, but you may need to give up to be friends with people who are too different from you.
And then, in the last half, it is time to nurture relationships with whom you choose as friends.

What I want to advise you is that you should not ignore the fact that you have abandoned them.
It is not a bad thing to abandon what/who doesn't fit you.
But don't pretend that you can be friends with everybody even though you couldn't be friends with some people.
And it is the worst you can do to criticize people who have abandoned their friends for their reasons.
You have done the same thing in your past.
Do you remember?

This year is also a time of forgiveness for many Aquarius people.
Look back what you have done, and understand others that they are not perfect like you.


You may be needed this year.
Your empathy and sympathy are needed everywhere.

For example, your friends who have been fired may need your consoling words.
Or, you may organize a farewell party for someone who is about to leave the place without saying anything.
Or, you may warn people that too much efficiency and meritocracy may undermine society.
I understand that efficiency and meritocracy are needed by this era.
But making your hearts work efficiently (like you intently fall in love with men with lots of money, etc.), or choose your friends with their abilities may not be right.

You are not only needed by your family or friends.
Give your empathy and sympathy to every people who need them.

In the 1st half of Feb, it is good to make new friends or do new things.
I don't mean that you can be close friends with them immediately.
Expand your relationships and interests in this time, and they may become your main interest later on.


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