Weekly Horoscope - Week begins 4 June, 2018


Love - Have you forgotten how good you are at management in other areas of your life? Maybe your private life needs some more planning and organising to ensure you get some affection and excitement.

Career - Aries must get down to the nitty-gritty of any situation and sink your teeth into it – you may need to be very critical, and often you have to be ruthless regarding canning ideas or courses of action that are not cutting the mustard.

Health - You may be spending a lot of time on your feet and walking, and so you need to have a good and comfortable pair of shoes, not a time to be vain about footwear – better safe than sorry.


Love - Taurus are not reading the signs well in relationships, and you may overreact or even underreact at times being quite confusing and hard to read – you may also go overboard when you feel guilty about being distant.

Career - Not everything you attempt will work out, but it is still important to make a few leaps of faith testing yourself and looking for what could be out there rather than waiting for opportunity to come to you.

Health - Good luck is very much about timing and also repressing impulsiveness, a desire to express opinions or any aggressive or confrontational approaches – even if you are itching to intervene and jump in with your objections or defences, your ability to absorb pressure and stay silent and observe will bring results.


Love - Sudden developments in love often come out of the blue but are nearly always the cause for joy and more freedom even if at first they are confusing. Gemini are able to express themselves romantically without the usual inhibitions and restraints.

Career - Act on impulses and believe in yourself, and even if everyone else is following a different course, be bold and stick to what feels right to you as your instincts are strong now, and they are good instincts.

Health - External changes can make you feel like a new you which provide the impetus for internal changes, i.e., positive thinking, and more external ones, i.e., getting fit. The visual effect of seeing yourself looking different is very powerful and can set the fire under you alight.


Love - Cancerians are warmer and very responsive, and your partner tends to open up to you, which you love; it makes you melt. Cancer love to deal in the currency of emotion rather than logic, and the relationships bank is flush with that currency right now.

Career - If other members of the team need your advice and support, take pride in that role and give of your best – this is a time when people gravitate to you for guidance as you seem to have a better handle on what is true and just than others.

Health - They say having more starts with appreciating where you are and what you have, and this is very true this month as Cancer have a greater contentment level in connection with where you are, and that forms such a positive launch pad.


Love - Love relationships with Librans, Aries, Scorpio, and Sagittarius do well right now as your partner appreciates your forthright bold approach, and you can energise each other and bring the fun and adventure into your love life. Relationships with other signs can run into stubborn reactions or hurt feelings which make life uncomfortable for a while until feathers can be smoothed and feelings dull down.

Career - This is not the most rational week, and many of your decisions are based on instinct, emotional reactions, and impulses rather than on reason and logic; however, you are ideally placed to make good decisions in fast-paced, dynamic environments where you really do not have all day to sit pontificating.

Health - Family life can be the arena of great upheaval and also conflict, but that conflict need not be unconstructive; you are all about making tough decisions and being the one who leads, even if that puts you in the line of fire.


Love - You are not tending to be turned on by romance and tedious, predictable advances over dinner – you want to be grabbed and taken by surprise and swept off your feet in some grand way that is almost theatrical.

Career - It is important to stick to your main points as you tend to bombard others with information which can overwhelm them; they may end up disagreeing just because they are befuddled rather than that they actually disagree.

Health - You are in a forgiving frame of mind; you brush off negatives with your head held high and your swift pace unimpeded. The only way is up, and anything that is not on the up with you has to go by the wayside, and that includes Debbie Downers and wet blankets.


Love - You need pleasure in life right now; you are not self-denying, and that is why you are the initiator in love when it comes to setting a marriage on fire or starting a new relationship. Impulsiveness in love tends to pay off.

Career - Librans are in full management gear, and you can make some very rational and brave decisions right now. You can see what needs to be done and how to do it as in your head all the pieces are fitting together. You may not get all the support and back up you need, but you are happy to go it alone.

Health - Libra have bundles of energy, and you are very self-expressive; however, there is also a serious side to you that may not be apparent. You are all about fun and laughs, but beneath that, you are highly purposeful.


Love - Scorpio are eager to talk about the direction of the relationship and often that includes finances and savings. You may look to sort out insurances, debts and taxes. It is Scorpio who provide the impetus to do things which should have been done ages ago and which your partner may avoid indefinitely.

Career - When you face problems, you immediately look for ways to get around them. You are good at leading and even better when you have to lead in a tricky situation which requires some guts and vision.

Health - You are a Houdini right now who can escape confining and limiting circumstances; often by sudden strokes of luck. Watch out for an escape route and when you see it run and run fast.


Love - Both married and dating Sagittarians have a greater inner ease and self-acceptance, and this enables you to act with authenticity and express emotion and needs honestly.

Career - A good week for speaking tours or for travelling to conventions to pitch your products. You are highly articulate and have an enhanced ability to connect with an audience and sow seeds in their mind that they may not act on immediately, but that they could mull over and act on down the line.

Health - You tend to be more committed where you socialise alongside whatever activity you are doing from weight loss to quitting smoking to training. Having fitness comrades is important so you can share ups and downs with advice.


Love - Joint finances come into focus and discussion about money can be very fruitful. It is a good week to decide on spending plans, important purchases, savings or cutbacks. It could be a time when you pool resources with a partner to put down a deposit on your first home together or open a joint bank account.

Career - There is a great deal of positive energy to be harness this week, and you can use that to arrange promotions, dinner parties, events, or staff motivational drives. You are very successful in your business when you are able to create product bundles which you promote in connection with certain times of the year or events.

Health - Capricorn can have great success with deep relaxation techniques right now, for example, pranayama, self-hypnosis, autogenic training, conscious connected breathing, and rebirthing.


Love - Love is the arena where you feel like you can let your hair down and withdraw from the battles you have raging in life for some emotional support, nourishment, and definitely some affection. You are highly susceptible to the charms of Taurus and Scorpio who can generate that passion and intensity your desire along with some highly sensual moves in the bedroom.

Career - Failing is not an option you even consider, and you will throw everything at challenges, picking yourself up and starting again when you suffer a temporary defeat.

Health - You are physically energised, and this is also a good time to work on DIY projects, gardening, carpentry, or projects which involve making things with your hands.


Love - You do not have to spend much to have a great time and enjoy some romance, in fact, the oddest, quirkiest moments can end up being a lasting memory. It is a time to recapture magic in all relationships and to perhaps experience it for the very first time.

Career - The non-tangible aspects of a business matter right now – it is not just about skills, experience, and physical products, it is about the overall experience clients have with you – how welcome, looked after and understood they feel.

Health - Moral support is on tap, and you can attract more sympathy and understanding from others – from good Samaritans to kindly strangers you have your dose of good karma coming at you in the universal cycle.

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