Tinngi cholesterol levels: white-respiratory infections. orange-kidney disease. so how simple is it, let's try this method? hopefully it will be useful for you


kadar kolesterol tinngi: putih-infeksi pernapasan. orange-penyakit ginjal. Jadi bagaimana simple kan yuk coba metode ini?
Semoga bermanfaat bapak/bunda!!!!

You don't need to check up to the hospital to check your body's health in a simple way. To do this procedure you only need one minute! Here are the steps: 1. Take a spoon, wipe the entire surface of the tongue so that it is wet with your saliva. 2. Insert the spoon into a transparent plastic bag, and place it under bright light: the sun or table lamp. 3. Up to 1 minute. 4. check the sensor. if there is a smell: strong-problems with the lungs or stomach, sweetness-this might be diabetes; ammonia-problems with kidneys. if there are stains; white or yellow with a thick layer - thyroid gland dysfunction; purple- bronchitis, poor blood circulation,


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