12 Ways To Move On Former Beloved Beloved

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You often hear it, the saying "Jodoh not going to run where?". If he's a fate destined for you, no matter how long you've broken up or how far between you now-he'll be back. In fact, the relationship between human feelings is not that simple.

You will have a hard time when you just broke up. The times are upset when he does not invite you to return. And worst of all, you will feel the times of a broken heart when you know that now he has been with other people and no longer love you.

For those of you who are now experiencing this condition, let's read the ways to move on that you can try to make ngelupain ex-girlfriend who already no longer love you

  1. Stop Pitying Yourself

Stop feeling sorry for yourself
Stop feeling sorry for yourself

Sense of disappointment, anger, and hurt because of breaking up often makes us feel the reason to cry and self-pity. In fact, from the beginning you already know that when you dare to fall in love then you must also be prepared with the risk of heartbreak.

You have the right to love him, but he also has the same right to love others. You must stop feeling sorry for yourself and be heartened to let him be with the person he loves.

  1. Back Learn To Love Yourself

When you lose something, it's good to try to remember how your life used to be when you were alone. Maybe you are not as happy as being with him, but do not forget the fact that you were okay then. You can keep laughing and happy. Maybe losing him leaves an empty space in your heart, but that does not mean your world will stop.

Try to learn to love yourself again. Believe me, if you used to be okay without him, you'll be fine now.

  1. Get Rid Of Everything That Reminds You About Him

Get rid of him from your life
Get rid of him from your life

It's no good you keep things that can remind you of him. You should start getting rid of all the things he once loved. Lower all your photos still stuck to the wall of the room. Delete all sms, emails or messages on social media. Believe me, by living with the memories of him will not make you feel better.

  1. Do Things You Love

So yourself

Try to look more beautiful! Not to attract the attention of others, but do it for yourself. You can start doing things you can not do when dealing with him.

For example you always wanted to cut your hair short but because she did not like it, you never really did it. Free yourself from all the stresses and do the things that really make you happy.

  1. Spend More Time With Your Friends

Spend time with friends
Spend time with friends

Nothing can make you feel better than sharing your sadness with your closest friends. They are the people who are always there for you when you need a place to share. Try to call them and invite them to come out and have fun. Cheer up that you may forget your sorrow for a broken heart.

  1. Rearrange Your Life Routine

Rearrange your life

Back when you were still in contact, you may be living your days by doing things together. Starting from jogging together, take lunch to his office samapai holiday together every week. But now, when you're no longer together, there's a lot of empty time that makes you upset.

Eits! do not let you drag on in the void. Start rearranging your life routine. You can fill the void by doing little things like yoga or jogging in the park.

  1. Dodge For While That Time Is Not a Problem

Temporarily evaded
Temporarily evaded

You may have heard the term if breaking up does not mean having to break up friendships. But if you feel it takes time to organize feelings, temporarily evading from him is not a problem anyway. As much as possible remove him from your life because eventually you have to get used to living without it.

No matter how much you want to know the news, do not let yourself lose. If you are not ready to delete it now, then maybe you will never be ready.

  1. Do not Keep Hoping With Reason, "Just Friends Kok"

Are you sure you're ready to be a friend?
Are you sure you're ready to be a friend?

Stop lying to yourself. Eliminate the announcement to establish communication with the former partner on the pretext your feelings have changed - from affection to the opposite sex so affection to friends or relatives.

Believe me, it will only make you fall further. Maybe someday you can neutralize your feelings and really think of him as a friend. But maybe that later, not now.

  1. Fill Your Heart With Music

Listen to music

Believe it or not, music has a big impact on human feelings. When you hear the sad music you feel will melancholy. Conversely, if you listen to cheerful music, you will become more excited. Try to dispel your turmoil with music.

  1. Go on holiday!

go on holiday!

If you ever watch Eat movie, Pray Love you might see how new places and atmosphere can give you new energy. Come to a beautiful place, eat good food, and let yourself relax for a moment. You will see that life is too beautiful just to be mourned.

  1. Bring Feelings to People You Trust

Just tell me

If it turns out these things have not been able to make you feel better, the last thing you should do is to let your feelings be gushed out for what they are. Wait at those you trust, weep. Let all your soreness come out with tears. Let all the burden disappear from your heart and shoulders.

  1. Remember, your real matchmate is still waiting out there

You will meet new people
You will meet new people

When you feel you are starting to forget the former, do not be afraid to start a new relationship. Do not let the heartbreaking experience you've ever felt made you far from happiness. Remember if your former lover is not a man destined to be with you, then your real mate is still waiting out there.

Well, hopefully the above ways can help you make move on from the former who already no longer love you ya! Just like him, you also have the right to be happy.

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