Father Loss

A couple days ago the ambulance came for my father after 24 hours of decreased mobility and mental acuity. Tests at the hospital didn't reveal anything of a medical emergency- other than dehydration- and so he's back to acute rehab for the next several weeks to recuperate. It's no coincidence that solar flare and geomagnetic activity has been peaking over the last 10 days. I've been dealing with my own sensitivities to this potent energy dynamic, or "space weather" as it's known. I intended to post a blog last night, but I felt too fatigued and light-headed. It is akin to a "wave" experienced during sacred plant medicine ceremony. I was overwhelmed by subconscious debris surfacing to be released, and so I simply weathered the storm until laying down to sleep.

This morning I was able to sleep until almost daybreak and skipped my coffee ritual. After meditation and green tea I sauntered on down to the lake for a leisurely stroll. It wasn't long before I started feeling fatigue again, and so I stretched out on a massive piece of driftwood to rest whilst taking in deep breathes of the freshest air as waterfowl, perhaps mergansers, flittered about the still surface in search of baitfish below. I allowed myself to simply rest and sink into the moment, rather than let my mind scroll with an endlessly cascading to-do list. It was a very yin moment, and I'm the better for it.

Taking good care of one self is much like how we'd care for a newborn baby. However, in our hyper-stimulated and steadfast lives we may overlook the simplest of self-care habits such as drinking copious amounts of clean water, getting enough sleep and unplugging from our myriad devices. It seems the sun is assisting us in a long overdue slowing down before we meet the perils of over-engagement with the world. We live in times of immense shifting among intra-dimensional realities colliding and disentangling. What has been left in the coldest and darkest recesses of the space-time continuum is rapidly surfacing now. Fears are being assuaged by the Light. The time has come to go deep within and activate our latent abilities.


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