Something good happened over Memorial Day, at a Baseball game!

With all the deluge of negative news coverage today, it is refreshing to see a story that show the good that remains in most people! A cadet was given the Honor of guarding a seat reserved for POWs and MIAs; in the Atlanta Stadium. It began to rain, and when doing an honor guard detail; a little thing like rain MUST be ignored, out of respect! The Cadet Knew this, and stood fast! A fan, showing respect for the Cadet's devotion to duty; held his own umbrella over the Cadet, while standing in the rain himself! He had no idea anyone would even notice; but someone did, and this went viral!

When Washington DC was hit a few years ago, by hurricane Sandy; there was only ONE government function Not shut down. The guard at the Tomb of the Unknown stood fast; through a hurricane! It took a special kind of MAN, to fill that Tomb, and also a Special kind of MAN, to guard it! They were told to stand down, they refused!

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