Human Rights in Hong Kong

I understand why the U.S. government recently passed a law to show some support for the people of Hong Kong. But I am scared because the U.S. government chose to criticize China in such a public and direct way.

I think that we may all want to support the right of the citizens of Hong King to peaceful protest. But governments need to save face, so it’s better to be general in public and specific privately.

It’s hard for the Chinese government to objectively assess their actions when they are criticized publically. I think it’s human nature to defend yourself when criticized.

I think that China is a world power and the world needs to recognize that and treat them with respect. I am not saying China will always be right, I expect that their government like any other government will make mistakes, and will need friends to speak to them in private. This allows them to correct their actions without the appearance of being governed by another nation.
This is very important for countries in general but especially important to China because of its history.

I fear such public criticism can make things worse for the protesters by intensifying the violence. Individuals may make harsh condemnations but I think governments should not except in grave circumstances. How can we hope to have the government of China listen if we talk to them as if they were our enemy?

Diplomacy, the art of guiding the world towards more human treatment of all citizens of the world.
All governments should practice this art.

For China, Hong Kong and the US:
I pray for peace.
I pray for civility.
I pray for restraint.
I pray for wisdom.
We are all someone’s children, parents, brother and sister. Let’s treat each other accordingly.

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