Getting this set up was one of the easiest ones I have ever done!

How easy you ask?


Since Giant hubby just retired and he was looking for something to do (yup he was under my feet that day) and since the bags of potting mix are way to large for me to lift he donned his white knight to the rescue suit of armor and in no time at all he had added all the mix!

Yup while I was in the house he filled them to the top... (INSTRUCTIONS WERE LEFT)

Well we all know that if you ignore Instructions things do go wrong...

So after getting the pristine instructions from the garbage I pointed out a few issues...

Can we all eye roll?

I am ignoring the locking wheels that are next to each other instead of being on opposite sides since I have no plans on moving it and just concentrating on the water wells that were not added so yup it had to be redone...

He did do some groaning since he over filled them all as he took them apart (I know you women are shaking your heads with me in this) and as I removed the mix to allow the water well to go in place he tried putting them back in place (yup he ignored the instructions again).

This greenstalk planter is really like a big puzzle and it has to be locked in place...

Yup men will try and force things to work, sometimes a gentle hand is more useful when getting things into place.
Line the holes up for the water wells to drain where they are needed and add the next level and before long it is done!

Don't they look nice?
Good job Giant!

Link to where I got them:
Greenstalk Vertical Gardens! (affiliate link so you can help support the Daddykirbs Farm.

So anyone else getting their gardening done yet?

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