Seedling update

The second of January I started basil and parsley seeds. The basil popped up in less than 5 days. I was surprised and amazed. The parsley has been taking it's time. Both seed packets said 2 week germination, so I waited and waited. I was beginning to think the parsley was a bust, but yesterday I awoke to this.


Yeah they made it! The Basil already has second leaves coming.


I have a few more interesting seeds to plant on the next cycle of January 28-29. A friend sent me these sugar pine seeds last fall. I had them in the fridge trying to mimic the cold season. They are huge! I also am going to try some black locust seeds as well. The Black Locust is one of the toughest trees I know of next to the Oak. They are strong, sturdy and make excellent fire wood or fence posts with their natural weather protectant built into them. The blooms on a locust are very aromatic and beautiful. pine nuts are the first picture and black locust second.



this is what the blossoms of the locust look like. The bees love them.

It will take a few years for these seedlings to amount to anything, but I'm trying to do my part to re forest our land with beneficial plants and trees.

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