how duck eggs turn into salted eggs?

Salted eggs, this food is easy to find in Indonesia. However, have you ever thought how duck eggs can turn into eggs that taste salty?

In fact, if the duck eggs are boiled, do not taste salty.

Let's see this review!


Eggs that were originally not salty, could turn into salted eggs because of the process of marinating. The process of marinating is the process of excess salt. Well, when the salting process is done, the salt can enter the pores of the eggs to make the taste of eggs turned so salty. This process also makes the egg so durable because it slows the performance of enzymes that can damage the eggs.

Well, the eggs that are usually selected are duck eggs because the characteristics of the shell that is resistant to the process of marinating and not broken.

Types of ducks whose eggs are good to use are duck runners or who have the scientific name Anas platyrhynchos domesticus.

If you want to see the center of making and selling salted eggs, can come to Brebes, Central Java.

How to Make Salt Eggs?

this is how to make salted eggs

  1. First, prepare the eggs to be made into salted eggs (10 - 30 grains), rubbing ash or red brick powder, salt, and clean water. Also prepare plastic buckets, pans, stirrers, and sandpaper.
    telur asin 4.jpg

  2. Before starting marinating, wash all eggs. All stains must be clean, can use a toothbrush as a tool. Be careful not to break. After washing, wipe the eggs dry.

  3. The next stage is to sand the egg surface. This step should also be done with caution. The purpose of this sanding process is so that the eggshell pores open.

  1. It's time to make a batter mix. Combine rubbing ash or brick powder with salt in the ratio of 1: 1, for example 1 kg of rub ash mixed with 1 kg of salt.
    Mix water on the dough until it becomes like a paste.


  1. Next, baluri the eggs with this dough until covered by all surfaces. With a thickness of about 1-2 mm. Eggs that have been dressed in batter, stored in plastic bucket for 15-20 days. The longer stored, the egg taste will be more salty.


then be the salted eggs! Let's try it at home!

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