Removing dead and invasive trees

Spring is here

Which means working on our property to make our homestead the home we want it to be. If you follow me you know we have some dead trees that need to be removed and some invasive trees that has to go. We are going to be planting new trees that are native and that provide fruit and nuts so we have a food forest. But today is a nice 70 degree day so we are working on the small grove of getting cleared out. The big grove is what is going to require the most work. This small grove has taken us a while. But slowly but surely we will get it done.






The bigger grove of trees

Are filled with Japanese HoneySuckle and though it looks pretty it is invasive and we need to clear it out so the trees can thrive. My husband has to do pretty much all this hard work because of my back. If it is thicker than what I can use a pair of snips to cut it is all him. The good news is some of the honeysuckle I can snip with the snips. The sad part is most of it needs a chain saw and I can't operate that with my back. And with my husband work schedule and weather permitting it going a little slower than we had plan.



Eventually we will get our land the way we want it

It will take years but we are determined to improve our land and our health by using our land to produce some of our own food. And prove a food forest for our future use and for wildlife.

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