Homesteaders Can Save America: (and the world too)

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How Homesteaders Blurs the Lines

If you haven’t noticed, America (and the world) is burning. Media biases and political manipulations are splitting the very fabric of our society. The adage of “we speak not of politics and religion in polite conversation” has been thrown upon the ash heap of history. All is not lost my friends because the truth lies at the tail end of each and every vehicle parked at any Homesteading, Self Sufficiency or Prepping convention. Look closely at the bumper stickers and I bet you’ll find an interesting thing, diametrically opposite sociological and political leanings are well represented at these events.

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Last fall Melissa and I attended our very first Mother Earth News Fair (MENF) and I noticed all the various slogans and election paraphernalia donning the attendee’s vehicles and T-shirts. Right there in the front row next to the entrance was a pickup truck with Trump and NRA stickers parked next to a station wagon with Hillary and NEA stickers. How nice, out in the “real world” these two individuals would most likely look distastefully at each other’s choices and prejudge the other, but here at the MENF, they were probably sitting next to each other learning how to make compost tea or how to build a rocket stove.

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If we all could just take a step back and look at the big picture, those two types of people have so much more in common than they give themselves credit for. Most likely, each would love to have a photovoltaic solar collection system connected to their homes. Each would also agree that free ranging any animal is the preferable method of raising them, and growing heirloom vegetable and fruits are the best way to produce sustainable healthy food. Homesteaders share so many values and interests with our sociological and political opposites, maybe our attitude of making the main thing the main thing could save America (and the world) if others would follow our example.

Melissa and I have found many new friends online because of sharing our little homesteading adventures, and we hope that this community will continually grow so that all can feel comfortable in calling everyone friend.

Take care & God bless


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