Benefits of pineapple that you need to know ??

Hello steemian !!!!!

This time I post about
The benefits of pineapple you need to know!

Starting from the origin of pineapple.
Pineapple is a kind of tropical plant originating from Brazil, Bolivia, and Paraguay. In Indonesia, Lampung province is the main pineapple growing area, with several pineapple processing factories also available there. Pineapple fruit is very easy to find in the market, even available throughout the year. Pineapple fruit is much preferred because it has a delicious taste, has a lot of water content and contain lots of vitamins so it has good health benefits for the body. This fruit can be consumed directly or can be used as juice

Here are some benefits of pineapple fruit. Listen and remember:

1. Lose weight

First benefit of losing weight.
Pineapple fruit can make the stomach feel full longer because the fruit is rich in water and fiber content. Pineapple has 60% fewer calorie content compared to other fruits and can overcome flatulence.

2. Prevent cough and flu

The second benefit of pineapple is that it can prevent cough and flu
Why is that!!! Because
Pineapple contains a bromelain enzyme that is useful in preventing cough and flu. Bromelain is able to decipher the fibrin that can cause blood clots. Fibrin is a type of protein in the form of yarn fibers that are not soluble in the plasma in the process of clotting or blood clotting. Bromelain can help improve the quality of breathing by diluting the mucus layer that exists in the respiratory area. Bromelain is also useful in treating inflammatory problems such as acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatisi, and rosacea.

3. Maintaining Eye Health

Pineapple can also keep eye health because
Pineapple contains beta carotene and vitamin A which is good for vision. Consuming pineapple fruit juice can prevent macular degeneration and reduce the risk of loss of adulthood in old age. Macular degeneration is an irreversible chronic medical condition, which causes central vision loss due to macular damage, or the central part of the retina.

4. Strengthen the teeth

Pineapple fruit can strengthen our teeth. Because in pineapple fruit there is astringent substance. Where astringent substances can strengthen the gums and prevent tooth loss.
This substance can also help tighten skin tissue, prevent hair loss, sagging skin, and weakened muscles.

5. Lowering high blood pressure.

Pineapple is very efficacious for lowering high blood pressure.
Pineapple juice can lower high blood pressure because it has adequate potassium content and has little sodium content. The comparison between the amount of potassium and sodium is a powerful way to treat high blood pressure. One glass of pineapple juice contains about 1 milligram of sodium and 195 milligrams of potassium. So, for people with high blood pressure is recommended to consume pineapple juice regularly.

That's all I can say

About the benefits of pineapple may be a lot of benefits.

Author: @ steem-bar

Follow: @ steem-bar


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