Using innovative ideas to make money from food processing and packaging

Been a while since my last post: Using innovative ideas to make money in: Crop Farming. I hope you enjoyed the ideas shared and are already applying the action plan. I have been busy with my organic farm project, building what would be the biggest Youth employment creating opportunity in Africa, creating employemnt for over 200,000 youths across the continent within 2 years! (Details on this in another post)

Anyway, back to the main topic for today. There are various food products you can add value to that will fetch you cool cash, have you ever thought of blending Mallow Leaves (Ewedu in Yoruba) and packaging them in small containers at a price 5 times the retail price of the fresh leaves!

Other products you can add value to by processing and packaging include: Cassava tuber: Cassava Flour, Garri, Odourless fufu(wet fermented cassava paste), Cassava starch, Lafun( dried fermented cassava paste), cassava flakes.

Plantain: dodo (fried ripe plantain), kpekere (fried unripe plantain), Plantain flour.

Cocoyam: Cocoyam chips, cocoyam starch and cocoyam flour.

Tomatoes, Pepper & Onions can be blended together and packaged in small fancy containers.

There are numerous Agricultural Products you can add value to, by processing, packaging and branding…The other day I was at the University of Lagos, I saw someone who branded Igebu garri and packaged it in attractive pack!

Watch out for the next on the Series, titled: Using innovative ideas to make money in: Animal Farming

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