Colorchallenge|Monday Red - Lingonberry Drink for Your Homestead

Lingonberry - is one of the healthiest berries in the world. It is very popular in Northern, Central, Eastern Europe, Russia and some parts of Asia. Why? Because it contains a lot of vitamins and can be used for different purposes in culinary and medicine. It can be easily found in nearby forests and therefore used for your homesteading.
Some of the easiest things you can make from it are: drinks, jam, juices, smoothies, pies, sauces, desserts etc.
On the other hand, lingonberry's leafs can be used for making medicine antiseptic, aperitif and different kinds of tonics, which are good for diabetes, rheumatism and many other diseases.

Personally I would like to share with you a very easy recipe of Lingonberry water, which is quite refreshing and very very good for your immune system.

What do we need:

  • 1 L of water;
  • 300 g. of Lingonberry;
  • 1/2 tablespoon of sugar.

How to cook:


Firstly we need to get through our berries, wash them, squeeze and get a juice. Pour a juice into a jar, cover it with a lid and leave in a cold dark place for a while.


Now we take squeezed berries, put them in a saucepan, add hot water and bring the mixture to a boil.

Then run it through the food strainer to get rid of berries.


Leave it for a while to cool down, then mix it up with a freshly squeezed juice( that we did put away in a jar).


Add some sugar and refreshing drink is ready. Enjoy it!

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