Harvest Cauliflower Vegetables in the Garden


Today I share how to cultivate cauliflower until the harvest process

Planting Preparation

Making planting land is done by making beds with beds between beds of about 40 cm. If the soil pH is less than 5.5 after making a mixture you can do calcification with a dose of about 1 to 2 tons per hectare

Seedling or seedling nursery

Seedling nurseries can use polybags or even in a tub made of banana leaves or plastic. For planting media mix manure with fine soil, but before the media is used it should be sterilized by steaming about 30 to 60 minutes at temperatures ranging from 55˚C to 100˚C or can also be doused with formalin and then closed for 24 hours

Seedling planting

Seeds that are good for planting are seeds that have at least 3 or 4 dau and are around one month old. A good time to plant is in the morning and evening




Plant Maintenance or Care

Plant maintenance or maintenance needs to be done. Do replanting or replacing dead or damaged plants with new plants when cauliflower is not more than two weeks old. Then do weeding and bubbling carefully so as not to damage the plant, when it has entered the final phase of vegetative weeding can be stopped. While fertilization is done as much as 3 x during the growth period and the dose increases as the plant age increases. One more thing is that irrigation or watering must be done routinely, namely in the morning and evening, especially in the phase of growth and flower formation




Pests and diseases

Aphids and plutella caterpillars are types of pests that often attack cauliflower plants. Pests and diseases can be overcome by spraying liquid pesticides or bactericides.


Harvesting cauliflower can be done after 55 to 100 days after planting depending on the type of cultivar planted as well. In one harvest it can produce around 40 tons of cauliflower per hectare. The method of harvesting is done by cutting it with the stem of the leaf.




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