Friday the 13th struck me hard

Got up really early this afternoon and was making my coffee when I looked out the window across 2 of my gardens. Wilted leaves as far as the eye can see. All of my nightshades are dead (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants). The sun was barely overhead and my eyes were bleary, so I grabbed my coffee and went out and surveyed the damage.

Looks like I'm making green tomato salsa, harvesting my super hot peppers early, and preserving eggplants tomorrow.

Forecast said low of 37 F. Same exact thing happened last year.

I want to curse my luck, but I'll just treat this as a learning experience. I'll grow more early varieties next year. There's always next year. I always do better the next year. So there's that to look forward to!

On the bright side, my storage carrots and rutabagas are going gang busters! Stew season is nearly upon us here in the PNW. Need to start looking for sales on hamburger meat for chili too! I'm almost out of the chili I made last season and I have loads of habaneros to spice this years batch up right.

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