What love looks like around here

Love. Everyone one wants it, and everyone has a different idea of what it should look like. It takes on many faces as we move through life. At this point in our life love is hard work made easier by a strong partnership.

Around here, love looks like getting up first in a cold house to stoke the fire and put water on for coffee. It looks like biting your tongue and getting the job done because fighting wont get the garden beds ready or the wood in any faster. It looks like doing the chores alone because your partner worked in town today and wont be home til late.

There is a depth to our relationship that wasnt always there. As we grow and build our homestead, our relationship grows along with it. Love feels like, calloused hands and rubbing the knot out of a shoulder even though your shoulders are just as sore. It feels like climbing into bed with love on your mind and waking up the next morning in exactly the same spot you fell asleep in.

Love looks like excited eyes and big smiles because the last log got peeled, it also looks like long days at the river just because you can. It tastes like the first tomato of the season and takeout pizza and cold beer from the gas station because no one feels like cooking.

Homesteading is hard work, and we couldn't do it without the partnership that we have. When I look around our place, I see love in every project, and every growing idea. Thats what love looks like around here. At least for today!

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