Making Solar Power Work for you in Homestead Lifestyle

If you're following some of my curation post, I am sure you have seen me curating some of the simple and complex post on making use of the solar energy. You can see that there countless projects that you can do for handling the solar energy. In this curation I am listing some of the projects that you can use in your homestead lifestyle. Do let me know if you enjoy some of the solar power projects.

Check out the below DIY solar projects.

Solar Wireless Charger

I am sure by now you are aware of the wireless charger concept. Now in this type of the charging, the person who wrote the tutorial has basically added the solar panel addition. So the solar panel will collect the necessary energy. And then that energy is likely to be used for charging the phone. So it's not just a phone you can apply it to many other type of the projects. I'd recommend checking it out.


Image credit: Instructable

Check out the post here.

Lipoly Charger

I never thought about seeing any good project where people can make something like battery chargers. So this is one project on that theme. Here Lithium Polymer batteries are recharged using the solar panel. So for simple use like torch and say like charging small phones. This type of the charges can be handy.


Image credit: Ladyada

Check out the post here.

Here's one unusual project that I found on youtube. I am sure you have seen solar powered batteries. But here's one lantern project that you can see.

Channel Credit: Mist8k

These are some of the projects that you can make use of for the harnessing of the solar powered project. Do let me know if you like some of these ideas. Let me know in the comments.


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