I Am the Crazy Oeuf Lady

I Now Get More Eggs Than My Eggpron Will Hold!

And why am I crazy? Well there's a few reasons, but in this case it is because I don't even eat eggs. What the hell am I doing with all of these chickens and all of these ouefs?


They are so pretty though...


And they feed my family and neighbours.

Today is Wash the Ouefs Day

When they start piling up and I've procrastinated for too long, it's time to wash the eggs and refrigerate them. The spring time is the worst for dirty eggs, the ground is so wet and of course if you have chickens you'll know that they basically take turns laying in the same spot all through the morning, many dirty feet going on and off the nest.

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I've read that this is only a North American practice, the washing and refrigeration of eggs. In other countries, the eggs are never washed, there's always a bit of mud, feather or straw with the eggs, and of course they are left on the counter.

The reason we have to refrigerate the eggs is because the washing takes off a protective coat which naturally preserves the egg. People in the West are unused to seeing "dirty" eggs, we're used to those shining grocery store ones and I don't want to traumatize my neighbours so I wash em up.


Chicken Cannibals

With getting so many eggs a day, the girls get a daily treat of hard boiled eggs (and always save leftovers for the crows). The shell is so good for them too, gives them their much needed calcium, and saves us money because we don't have to buy them oyster shells to eat.


I gave them quite a few today, so no rugby matches, there was enough for everyone to share.



Uh Oh I think I sense @papacrusher coming to scissor kick his way in to get some of that hard boiled goodness ;)


"He who we shalt not name."

The crows never come to eat their eggs until I've gone back inside.

They have far too much dignity to be witnessed accepting a hand out from a human...


I took a couple pics from inside the house, looks like the #chickenbitchez didn't leave the crows much on the driveway today, just shells. I always try and throw a few pretty far, and off to the side near the bushes for the crows, they find them eventually.


Pretty Things


Ok, so a fly is not exactly pretty, but it's the first one I've seen in months! I'll be sick of them soon I know, yet this is another small victory towards spring.


Orchid is still in Bloom.


The Rosemary I started last Fall.


Some flowers @hendrix22 got me :) What a vibrant carnation hey?



And Lastly, Little Edgar Feeling Right At Home


Photo on 2018-04-05 at 7.23 PM #3.jpg

Have a Great Friday Night Everyone, this Crazy Ouef Lady is Out!

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