Homestead Photography Contest! A Giant Turkey and a German Shepard Puppy!

Attention steemit! The is a brand new homesteading photo contest is brought to you by @knowledge-seeker. Complete rules are at:

Here are my entries for this weeks contest.

The first is a giant turkey, aka the general, with his chicken friends. He roams and is the alpha bird of the pen and has twenty chicken minions. He even will chase humans and dogs and make grunting noises if they approach himIMG_6126(1).JPG

My next homestead animal is a dog. I like German Shepherds because they are great at herding animals and can keep predators at bay. Here is a little one that is excited to get into his role as a homestead dog:


I hope you all enjoy my photos. Homesteading is an awesome way to live off the land in harmony with animals you raise and care for.

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