What critters has your barn cat brought to your front stoop? I have a real mouser on my hands but that has not been all!

~So here is the list of critters she has brought in the house.~
*When a kitten she brought me a pigmy rattler (I looked for the pictures but came up empty, but it was 10 years ago!) That fortunately happened when my husband was home. He used the usual shovel method to kill the rattler once I broomed it out the front door. It was early in the morning, remember it like yesterday, needless to say, I was fully awake after seeing her trot in with that!

She shared a squirrel with her boyfriend when she was about 1 year old. Can not claim she caught that as I think it was a gift from her suitor.
On her own I can remember,
-a baby bunny (that was sad)
-many mice and birds over the years
-two months back, a rat...ate it tail first...watched her through the front window. She ate that in record time as well, saw her through the front window.
and most recently:

Here she is yesterday with her little bird :/ After meowing really loud to show me at the front door, this was eaten in amazing speed (like under a minute!) ~It is not like I do not feed her she is so spoiled and gets raw milk or some kind of treat daily.~

For a ten year old cat my "Scratch" is amazing...I wish I had her muscle tone. She jumps from the tree to the roof in a snap! (Sorry this one is a bit blury.)

Here she is with the only boyfriend she ever had! Then we fixed her and her face now always looks grumpy! We still love her though! "Oliver" left us about a year after that. He was the sweetest cat I have ever encountered. She never did have kittens :/

NO Privacy in this barnyard!

All original works (even the barn watercolor behind the cat!) copyright @joearnold2017

Philippians 4:13
13 I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

Happy day to all!
Proud Member of #thealliance and #homesteadslackers

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