The Unveiling - December 16, 2022 @goldenoakfarm

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On Friday morning it started snowing at 7AM, though it was forecast to rain all day.

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Sometimes it was thick flakes really coming down and on others small flakes just more than a flurry. My general helper was trapped in the hilltowns which had gotten 4” - 5” by 6:30AM and it was still coming down heavily. She never did get out of her driveway, only because the plowed roads were still very slippery.

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I started pulling all the packing material off the new stove. The first thing I noticed was the top wasn’t square. I soon found the problem: To the right of the 2 screws above, the brown curved area, this part of the top was not on the support for it coming out from the 2 screws section.

My helper friend was here and I recruited his strong hands. The screw at the bottom of the photo was missing and the bar and 2 metal sections had to be lined up to get the screw in place. Once it was in place you could see how the sections had gotten bent without the support. But the top straightened up some.

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Next I unwrapped all the burners and covers. Both were in worse shape than mine. But both had a nib and a hole for the nib so they were not interchangeable with mine.

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So I got 2 of mine to see if they fit and they did. But the far left and far right burners were not centered on either mine or the ones belonging to the stove. (Mine in center, others on right.)

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There’s a tube in the center of the burner and these little “stars” are called simmer stars and fit over the tubes.

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The next thing I unwrapped was a 2 burner griddle. It was in rough shape, needing cleaned off and reseasoned. (On my stove.)

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Next I unwrapped the racks for the oven and the broiler components. All were very dirty.

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By then it was after 10:00AM. I was a bit discouraged by what I was finding and had been up and going since 3AM. I was getting pretty tired so I quit at this point.

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My helper friend got the floors cleaned up and we moved all the stuff back into place. It continued to snow until about 2:00 and I sat and read more of Gone with the Wind.

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I needed to lay down so I put Balanchine’s The Nutcracker DVD in and eventually fell asleep for an hour. When I went out at 4:00 to do chores, I had to sweep all the slush off the steps and walkways around the house. We’d gotten about 2½”.

On Sunday I don’t have plans, maybe finish wrapping presents, maybe tackle some chores, maybe mess with the new stove. Maybe finish Gone with the Wind…

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