The Front Bulbs are In - March 22, 2021 @goldenoakfarm

New South - planting bulbs crop March 2021.jpg

I got the laundry done early and planned to work on the sewing room. But the carpenter and I decided to do errands instead. So when I got home it had warmed up enough to go outside.

I spent a couple hours cleaning out the rest of the New South garden and set up to plant bulbs. Then I took a rest for an hour and went back out.

New South - front bulbs planted1 crop March 2021.jpg

It took me 2 more hours to finish doing that. In the process of digging up pots of bulbs from the Big garden I found some little beauties.

Big garden - 2 chiondoxas flowering crop March 2021.jpg

In these 2 pots from the old South garden, each had a Chiondoxa lucillae with buds.

Big garden - 1 of chiondoxas flowering crop March 2021.jpg

In this close up, there are 2 dead center.

Big garden - purple jumbo crocus flowering crop March 2021.jpg

In the Bulb Area #1 that was all yellow yesterday, today these jumbo crocus are flowering.

West of Steps - daff buds crop March 2021.jpg

And yesterday when I said none of the ones I’d planted had buds? Well, today there are lots and here are 3 from the West of Steps garden.

On Tuesday, I again plan to work on the Sewing Room. My home helper is here and I plan to send him grocery shopping. I’m hoping to get out and plant more small bulbs in the New South garden and perhaps some of the plants, if any are up. I think the sedum is.

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