Strawberry-Rhubarb Pudding and Sauce - May 26, 2020 @goldenoakfarm

Big garden  rhubarb crop May 2020.jpg

Every time I was out in the Big garden, I’d see this rhubarb and think, “I must make stuff with that.” But when I’d finished work, I was far too tired. But on Tuesday, I had to quit early due to the heat, so I decided to use some of it.

Rhubarb Pudding recipe crop May 2020.jpg

My mother’s favorite cookbook when we were growing up was Haydn Pearson’s Country Flavor. There was a rhubarb pudding in it I was going to make.

Strawberry Rhubarb Sauce  ingredients crop June 2018  Copy.jpg

I also had a lot of old strawberries in the freezer I wanted to use up, so I was going to add them into the recipe.

I had to do some exchanges and changes to the recipe. I don’t use wheat flour, using millet flour instead. I’ve stopped tolerating raw milk, but still can do raw cream, so I mixed the cream with water to make the 1 cup. I also cut the sugar down to 1 cup total, half in the batter, half in the sauce.

StrawberryRhubarb sauce crop May 2020.jpg

I got the frozen strawberries and the rhubarb, with the sugar and knob of butter, cooking first then mixed up the batter.

Strawberry Rhubarb Sauce  in pot3 crop June 2018.jpg

Once it was cooked down, I poured it into the baking dish and spread the batter on top.

Starwberry Rhubarb cobbler3 crop June 2018.jpg

I left it in until the top was golden brown.

Starwberry Rhubarb cobbler4 crop June 2018.jpg

It was really good with cream on top!

I had a lot of rhubarb left over, so I made a batch of just rhubarb, frozen strawberries, and a knob of butter. I will sweeten it when I use it.

There’s still a lot of rhubarb and strawberries left, so I may make more on Wednesday and freeze it for the next year.

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