Saturday’s Finds - September 26, 2020 @goldenoakfarm

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We’d missed our anniversary trip to the Fair this year. Last year I had gotten a Fair t-shirt, one of the older style ones. I was messing around on the internet and went to the Fair’s FB page. They’d mentioned designing a t-shirt to sell to offset the losses from being closed this year. So I wrote and asked if this had happened.

It had not and so I asked if there was any way to buy past t-shirts and they said yes, come up on Saturday and you can look through the boxes.

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So Saturday morning we headed out to hit some tag sales and go to the Fairgrounds. I found 2 in my size. I’m not fond of the “poster” design on these but I got them to help out the Fairgrounds. The president of the Fairgrounds was the one helping us and he said his spreadsheet, after paring to the bone, would show about $30,000 loss for this year. They have a GoFundMe going to try to fix this.

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We didn’t find much at the tag sales. My husband got a big framed poster of the Red Sox 2004 win for $2 for his rod shop. I found a sturdy wooden stool for working in the clean room.

And I found this lovely cream and green enamelware dishpan for $5.

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I love good deals like this!

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In the afternoon we chased these birds around and caught and separated the various groups. Once we’d caught all the ones without bands for the person taking 15 pullets, we started catching our flock and locking them in the coop.

When they came to pick up the 15 pullets, they were fascinated by our set up so we spent an hour or so showing them around and explaining how and why we do what we do. They found the New Herb garden and loved it, wandering around looking at the plants.

But then it was time to catch the last 6 pullets and 6 layers for the next pick up. By then we were exhausted and it was supper time. Takeout it was, chores, shower, and into bed.

Sunday we’re supposed to move the pasture pen for the last time. We’ll see… I hope to plant my 2 mums I picked up on Saturday also.

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