Planting the New East Garden - March 30, 2021 @goldenoakfarm

Sun-up moon set crop March 2021.jpg

I did it again! Another moonset photo that came out right!

Sun up crop March 2021.jpg

And on the other side of the house, a sunrise photo.

Big garden - creeping veronica before crop March 2021.jpg

I didn’t get outside until after 11AM and it was still a bit chilly. I started with the plants closest to the gate and worked my way back. I was moving all the flowering plants for an east garden back into an east garden. This spot above was a tiny plant of creeping veronica 2 years ago. This spot is nearly 6’ in diameter. Next to it is soapwort, a south loving plant. That one is only 5’ in diameter.

New East - species spiderwort, astilbe, bleeding heart, Jacob's ladder crop March 2021.jpg

The first one I moved was my species spiderwort. It’s on the far left. It has never become invasive and lived in the old garden for at least 20 years. I hope it survives this transplanting.

Next to it, in front was astilbe. That came up as 2 plants, but I put them together. Behind the astilbe is the bleeding heart. It had done ok in the Big garden and I hope it survives this 2nd transplanting.

Next to them, on the right, is a big mass of Jacob’s ladder. That was the last plant I moved on Tuesday.

I had found liatris when looking for the bleeding heart. It was not in a pot, as it had been in the old V garden. I thought it had died. It’s a south loving plant so I put it, in a pot, and a crocus that helped me find it, in the old South garden.

New East - creeping veronica crop March 2021.jpg

I dug around the sides of the huge mat of creeping veronica and moved it over here at the end of the New East garden. There will be a mock orange there and this will make good ground cover for underneath it. This bed is 6’ long.

New East - big columbine crop March 2021.jpg

I also found 2 columbines. One was a big healthy one, this one, and the other a volunteer that was much smaller.

There were other plants out there, lots of lamb’s ear and the soapwort, and geranium. These all need sun. Not sure what I will do with them…

New East - partially planted1 crop March 2021.jpg

So I got this much in the ground and mapped out.

New East - partially planted2 crop March 2021.jpg

My intern will be here on Wednesday and we will move a bunch more plants from farther down the Big garden. Perhaps we might even get some bulbs in the ground. But as I said yesterday, I can’t do many of the bulbs til the plants are in, as the bulbs might get damaged.

There’s rain coming Wednesday night, so the push is on. There will be no more good days until next week.

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