Next to the Last Bean Harvest - August 6, 2022 @goldenoakfarm

Biggest bowl of green beans crop August 2022.jpg

I wasn’t sure just how many of the beans had produced, so I went out early Saturday morning to get them picked before it got hot. It would take a while to process them and I wanted to be done by noon.

Green beans ready to blanch crop August 2022.jpg

I got them half cleaned up and stopped to get the garlic weighed up for the people to pick up. Then I finished cleaning them up and got set up to process them.

Green beans for freezer crop August 2022.jpg

I got the 8¾ pints finished and the kitchen cleaned up by 11AM. The garlic was picked up, and I gave the person tips on growing it. I spent the rest of the hot day either watching movies or sleeping or talking with friends on the phone.

Sunday is to be even worse. Thank goodness I don’t need to mow the lawn. I think I’ll try to get the beets done early. That’s the last of the harvesting I needed to get caught up on.

This heat might last until Wednesday before a Canadian front brings cooler weather.

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