More Spring Cleaning - January 24, 2020 @goldenoakfarm

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Friday my helper friend and I again tackled some Spring cleaning. We finished the upstairs hallway. While he vacuumed the walls and ceiling, I took down the pictures and cleaned them and washed the glassware. We got all the stuff up into the attic and put where it belonged. Then he vacuumed the folding stairs area before closing it back up.

I washed the curtains and linens then ironed and starched the linens. I got the doors wiped down and polished also. When I went to hang the curtains, I discovered one needed mending, so I did that.

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We got it all put back together in time for an early lunch. Next week we will tackle either the bathroom, or the laundry.

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Basement electrical

My husband got his work on the electrical plans done and sent to the electrician. I still have to double check them, but they are good enough for a quote.

He heard back from the electrician on Friday that he will take the job, to start in April. So that’s another hurdle behind us.

He worked out in the barn in the afternoon making gussets and wooden stops for attic insulation ventilation. He also got some of the wood cleaned up out there.

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