More Hot, Hot, Hot on the Summer Solstice - June 20, 2021 @goldenoakfarm

New Herb - Row 2, chamomile and blue flax planted crop June 2021.jpg

On the Summer Solstice Sunday morning I was out a bit later, by 6:30AM, as I wanted to wash the cabinet the carpenter had fixed. I was determined to get the chamomile in the ground and mulched. When I went to get it from the cold frame, I found 6 pots of blue flax also. I’d cleared their bed so I brought them too. They are all in and mulched. I was starting to get wiped out by 8:30 even though the humidity was lower than Saturday, so I quit before I was dead.

New Herb - Rows 1 and 2, the remaining mess crop June 2021.jpg

This is what the rest of the 2 rows look like.

Damascus roses and dill for dehydrator crop June 2021.jpg

In the process of cleaning out there was a lot of dill volunteers. I stopped and harvested them, and the Damascus roses that had opened, for the dehydrators.

East of Steps - pansies, maiden pink crop June 2021.jpg

This is the garden East of Steps. The pansies are putting up a brave battle against the weeds. A maiden pink, very tall, is growing in front of them. I won’t even show West of Steps, it’s all 2’ high grass…. Someday…

New South - perennial hollyhock flowers crop June 2021.jpg

In the New South garden the 2 hollyhocks are doing well. So far, the rust hasn’t found them like it has all the others. This is the perennial hollyhock.

New South - figleaf hollyhock flowers crop June 2021.jpg

This is the figleaf hollyhock next to it.

Later on I got the dehydrator loaded and the dishes moves into the cabinet I’d washed. It was mostly a sad day spent reading and sleeping.

On Monday I hope to clean out the rest of Row 1 in the New Herb garden. The humidity is forecast to be brutal and the temps zooming into the 90’s. The rest of the day is a road trip with a friend driving to CT. I’ve found a marble shelf and we are going to look at it to see if I can use it in the pantry. I do hope so, as I’ve not found anything else. Or if I did it was exorbitantly expensive.

I will have started up the AC again as it was too warm Sunday night to cool the house. The carpenter will be working in the pantry.

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