Friday’s Work - September 25, 2020 @goldenoakfarm

Anne raspberry finished2 crop Sept. 2020.jpg

Friday morning my helper friend was here and he set about finishing the Anne raspberry bed. He put down some of the amendment for the Small garden, then mulched. The raspberries are much happier and have been producing nicely.

Small garden  east perimeter done crop Sept. 2020.jpg

I had recovered from the swollen face thanks to garlic poultices and started the worst side of the Small garden perimeter. I got the 36’ east side done by noon.

New West  cleaned out crop Sept. 2020.jpg

Once he’d finished the raspberries, he started clearing this New West garden. Then he raked as many of the stones out as he could.

This garden will have 3 sections. The first is the area between the porch and house in the very back. It ends where the porch stone wall ends. The second is a small one that runs from the porch stone wall along the steps, about 18” wide and 5’ long. The third starts where the first stops and runs along the house. It will be 4’ wide. The remaining area along the walkway will be violets and creeping thyme, not a garden per se.

The next job is to get the edging in delineating the gardens and to keep the thyme and violets out of them. Then perhaps some loam to build them up. Having no gutters for a year washed a lot of loam away. Finally the remaining compost will be put down and I will plant my 2 mums in the back of each little garden along the steps. This will all be next week.

Saturday is tag sales and selling pullets. There are 21 pullets and 6 layers scheduled to leave.

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