Beet Harvest - July 13, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

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I wasn’t moving too fast on Saturday morning. I didn’t get up until after 6AM and I got my post written and up. I sat down for a while then at 8:30AM I finally got going. I cleaned up the kitchen and set up for processing beets.

By 9AM I had this big bowl of beets harvested and went out for the rest. I rinsed the dirt off outside but would do a better job inside later.

Beets - prepping crop July 2024.jpg

Once finished harvesting (and having left about a third of them out there to get bigger) I started cleaning them up and selecting the best leaves to do as beet greens.

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This part full big bowl will end up making 1 pint of packed greens.

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These are the big ones in one pot. I hadn’t been able to cool the house because of storms coming through in the night. Boiling beets for over an hour wasn’t going to help.

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I wasn’t supervised this time. Since my brother and my general helper and I had gotten the living room windows done, someone has been enjoying having them open. He’s chipmunk watching here.

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I had about ½ of a pot of smaller ones too. They would boil for at least 45 minutes or until tender. I would get to sit down and rest once I’d cleaned up some of the mess and finished setting up.

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It was more like 1 hour before the littlest ones were ready. I took them out to cool down in ice water. The big ones cooked an additional 45 minutes. Once cool enough to handle, I took the skins off and put them in fresh ice water to finish cooling down. Then I did the greens.

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I dice them all and put them in pint freezer boxes. I usually end up looking like I came out of an abattoir at this point, my shirt covered in red.

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I got part of the kitchen cleaned up once I’d finished the 11 pints of beets and 1 pint of greens. They were in the freezer by 1PM.

Over the afternoon, I’d finish cleaning the kitchen. By 5PM I went out to set up for supper. I’d seen the non-GMO sweet corn had come in at the co-op and I’d asked my brother to pick up some when he got the celery for the batata salad.

By the time he got home at 5:30PM I had most everything ready to start cooking. The batata was peeled and in water ready to cook, the pot for steaming corn was ready, and I’d gotten out as many ingredients as I could think of. My brother was making his special butter hamburgers.

Summer supper - hamburgs, batata salad, corn on cob crop July 2024.jpg

The heat got me before it was done and he finished it. He put Havarti cheese slices on the butter burgers and mixed up the batata salad. I won’t have much more than this supper of corn, maybe 1 more time during the summer, as it’s not a keto friendly thing. The batata is a yam, not potato, and is allowed once a week or so.

I was pretty tired from the heat and humidity all day and went to bed just after 8PM.

On Sunday I have to load the truck with mulch for my son to start the New Herb walkways, and once the grass dries around 10 or 10:30AM, I have about 4 hours of mowing to do. It’s to be another hot humid day.

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