Back at the Grindstone - February 7, 2024 @goldenoakfarm

Looks like spring - SW1 crop Feb. 2024.jpg

On Wednesday morning I was up at 5:30AM and got some chores done. When I went up to the barn at 7:15AM it was 23F outside. It hadn’t gotten much warmer when my neighbor picked me up at 9:10AM for exercise class.

It was some better when I got back at 10:45AM and I was very tired and just sat and rested. Fortunately, I had been able to get all ready to do errands before my general helper arrived at noon.

This is what it looked like when we were leaving, above.

Looks like spring - SW2 crop Feb. 2024.jpg

Do you think it looks like an early spring day?

New West - snowdrops1 crop Feb. 2024.jpg

Because the sun was out again (for the 4 or 5th straight day!) I looked to see if the snowdrops were open. (They close on cloudy days.)

New West - snowdrops2 crop Feb. 2024.jpg

I’ve not found anything else up besides the stars of Bethlehem and the one clump of daffodils by the steps. Neither has progressed from the original growth.

We got the errands done and came home. While I put stuff away and then rested, she watered the house plants.

Recipe books done crop Feb. 2024.jpg

Then we tackled the recipe books again. I had saved out just enough binders for the job.

Cookbooks crop Feb. 2024.jpg

We even found a place for the smaller cookbooks.

I was telling her about the poor estate sale, completely forgetting she’s taking photography at school. She was interested in the equipment and so I messaged the dealer to ask if there was any way to look at what was left from the estate sale.

She had come across the zucchini bread recipe earlier and I said I still had 5 or 6 loaves left and she could take one if she wanted to. So she fished one out of the bottom of the freezer.

And just before she left, she was able to dig up more crabgrass for Larry as the ground is not frozen. He’s had a much reduced number of hairballs since we started the crabgrass.

Sunset - SE crop Feb. 2024.jpg

There was an amazing sunset when I went out to do chores after 4PM. This was taken looking into the southeast. Often the color is better in the east than the west.

Masonry heater fire crop Feb. 2024.jpg

It’s been so sunny and nice each day, I’ve not had to burn the stoves until the sun is down. I light the office stove about 5PM because it doesn’t have as good insulation and cools down faster.

I light the masonry heater after 7PM, just so it has enough time to get going before I go to bed. It’s lovely and warm in here throughout the day and night.

On Thursday I hope to finish the bills/budget, the laundry, and clean up the kitchen. It’s to be another sunny day.

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