Living on a Small Solar System with Life Hacks

After almost 6 years of living on a small solar system I consider myself somewhat of a expert. There are simple things you can do to enable yourself to live on a smaller way cheaper solar system. I call them life hacks. These easy steps make my life so much more comfortable.

  My solar system is 1750 watts and cost me about $2500.00 to put together. I built it myself that saved a ton in labor cost to hire someone else to install it. My unique way I designed and built it saved in materials mainly wire. Everything is in one place making it easy for maintenance and repairs. Sense the time I built it I have came up with a new charge controller invented by me and others who live on solar full time a post of it will be coming soon!

With the life hacks and the understanding I have of solar I can live on a small solar system. I would be glad to help you on your path so you can live on a small solar system also!

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