Garden Update!

Hi Steemers!

It has been a while since my last post - I've been a busy bee! I have been visiting and hosting friends and family in my free time which has been great fun but hasn't left any time for posting.

During this time I did manage to order some seeds online to kickstart my veggie patch this year. My wonderful and encouraging Mum helped me pick some interesting and healthy sounding choices, I am really looking forward to seeing what comes of them all.


My politunnel is doing well! The tomato and pepper plants from my previous post are still going strong, we have just put up a bamboo frame for the tomatoes as they are growing in height and need supporting. I am already seeing more tomatoes popping up, can't wait until it is all in full swing and I have bunches of cherry tomatoes to enjoy.


I am surprised and happy to say I finally have some purple sprouting broccoli coming through!! I was starting to give up on the plants as nothing seemed to be happening but I'm glad I waited.


My peppers are doing well and flowering but nothing much to show just yet. This week we had some stormy spells and a bunch of rain which brought temperatures down a bit, not sure the peppers were too happy about the chill but the whole garden appreciated the rainfall. Hoping for sunnier skies ahead to get my new seeds going!

As always please link me to your latest gardening posts as I would love to read them. Also if anyone recognises any of the seeds from my haul, or have grown them before do leave me a comment and let me know. Pretty much everything is new to me so I'd love to hear some reviews!


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