Finding Joy in the one you are with.

This man @daddykirbs brings me Joy.
I would love to share with you a little about my husband and best friend.

baby you and me
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Life is not easy, it can be full of challenges and dissappointments. It is so easy to focus on the negatives and be angry.
It is harder to stop and see the joy and blessing. My husband has always had the gift of helping me see the blessing of the moment. There is a peace in him.

We have had our share of challenges, like many others. We have 5 beautiful children and now beautiful grandchildren. One of our unforgettable moments was going through our son, @espenkirby 's, Brain Surgery. It was one of the worst times of our lives. We leaned a lot on each other during that time.

Then raising a child with special needs has its own challenges. Blake will come home from work and the first thing he does is greet Luke. Luke is all smiles, when daddy comes home. The other night Blake even went to a Dance class and helped Luke dance. Seeing them together brought tears of Joy to me. I sat and just soaked that moment in.

This guy goes to work and then comes home and works more. He built this barn nearly all by himself, for our daughters horse. Not for his equipment or tools but for our daughter. He has always put our needs above his own.

on barn roof

dad and adelynn on beach

I experience so much Joy when I see him with the kids. He is an amazing Dad, I love the way he listens to the kids and laughs with them.

boys in beach chairs

family on beach

family at JF

pappy and deer lily
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Life is hard and we have become such a busy society, but if we can slow down and appreciate the qualities of the ones we are with, I believe it will bring us all Joy.
Thank you for reading my story.

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