The Last Days of January 2018

farmstead farmsteadsmith kitty benji cat

January 28th

Another slow egg collecting day! But we did get 9 chicken eggs and 1 duck egg! I’m sad to say that it was possible that there were actually two duck eggs but one was probably smooshed and then eaten by the ducks/geese. But hey! I got one!

farmstead farmsteadsmith chicken egg blue

I probably check on chicken eggs way too often! By 1-2p I had only gotten 4 eggs! I was appalled after being spoiled with 10+ for a few days in a row! Haha I’m an ungrateful chicken keeper!

farmstead farmsteadsmith chicken wellsummerfarmstead farmsteadsmith chicken eggs

Did some chores around the house, outside, and did a lot of cuddling with kitty and squeakers today. The gucks got new water in their pools and fresh bedding in their hut. So far the ducks have been laying in the hut prior to be let out for the day!

farmstead farmsteadsmith chicken cuckoomarans maransfarmstead farmsteadsmith chicken eggs

Tried doing some research to figure out which breed of turkey we’d like to add to our farm. Need to do more research on how exactly to care for them and make turkeys work at our place, but I like the idea of a smaller breed called “Midget Whites”.

Candled 4 dozen eggs in preparation to sell! We have three people at Dan’s work wanting eggs tomorrow. Only have to sell 7 dozen eggs to cover a bag of feed...

farmstead farmsteadsmith sky sunset

January 29th

It was a beautiful day today with a 62f high temp! It was pretty windy, but man was it warm! The sun felt amazing! We got one duck egg and ten chicken eggs today! Today the duck laid after 8am but before noon (ish).

farmstead farmsteadsmith eggs duck chickenfarmstead farmsteadsmith easteregghunt hidden stash egg

The rogue layer decided to lay somewhere new because Dan ruined her rose bushes. Haha so she decided to lay under the wagon thing. I could list off at least 7 other places that would have been way better... ah well, at least I found it! Haha

farmstead farmsteadsmith squeakers huntress dog chihuahuafarmsteadsmith farmstead dead bird

The little huntress.

Squeakers found a dead bird today, which really surprised me to be honest. Mostly I was surprised hat she was the one to find it and not Koodge or Dutch, or even the chickens! It had been dead for some time now. But still, really surprised at least Koodge hadn’t been found eating it. Ha, nope, just little old Squeaker lady. I joked that since her hearing and sight isn’t great, maybe her smeller is on point! (Sorry for the icky pic I’m not sure why I feel completely compelled to share it. It’s just part of my life I guess).

farmstead farmsteadsmith sunset sun sky

January 30th

Didn’t get any blue eggs today even though there were Easter eggers in the nesting box today! Hmm. I think one is trying to go broody. But I’m not ready for chicks!! I need a bigger coop first! Lol We got one duck egg and 11 chicken eggs today! I’m wondering when the quail will start laying...

farmstead farmsteadsmith goose farmstead farmsteadsmith goose

I realize I don’t give much camera love to the geese and ducks, but that’s because the geese mostly try to bite me. Ha. Jerks. Don’t they know who feeds them?! Mostly husband, but really, me too! Haha

farmstead farmsteadsmith chickensfarmstead farmsteadsmith eggs

Today the winds were coming from the north and west directions... they were cold winds! How completely different than yesterday! I hate when that happens. The soon to be full moon mist have been messing with the birds because Crossbeak the rooster tried attacking me today. He doesn’t do that! Not usually the one I have to keep an eye on! The bestie came over today and he fwapped her right in her boots! We all were surprised! He didn’t hurt her, but he’s also never seen boots before? Then the white rooster tried getting her too! But once we turned around he stopped in his tracks and tried wooing her instead?? Crazy day with the chickens!

Benji boy played with, then at a spider today! Good boy! Haha

January 31st

farmstead farmsteadsmith chicken eggs welsummerfarmstead farmsteadsmith chicken eggs

Well we got one duck egg and I think ten or nine chicken eggs. For the month of January we got over 200 eggs! We’ve sold 7 dozen eggs to Dan’s coworkers. And our eggs are costing us a little under 68 cents each. Haha shrug

farmstead farmsteadsmith chicken eastereggerfarmstead farmsteadsmith chicken easteregger

farmstead farmsteadsmith candled eggfarmstead farmsteadsmith egg cracked

These pics show two different candled eggs. Since I’ve started selling, I wanted to make sure no one would be getting anything weird. Sometimes there are blood or meat spots in eggs, and I don’t want to sell that. Though, I’m not required to candle to sell direct. Anyway, the first egg shows this swirl pattern which I thought was cool. I believe this happened because when the egg travels down their oviduct while in development, it spins. The second egg is a crack that I couldn’t see until I candled the egg.

farmstead farmsteadsmith dog koodge beaglemixfarmstead farmsteadsmith dogs chihuahua pitbull

The white rooster and Crossbeak rooster have been high strung the last few days. White rooster actually tried attacking me! I must blame the moon because this isn’t typical behavior!

Did January feel about 5 months long to anyone else?? It was awful. I am so glad it's over!

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Photos by me using my iPhone 8+, unless stated otherwise!

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