January Week 2 - Part 2

farmstead farmsteadsmith cuddles dog cat kitty puppies cuddlepuddle

January 11th

farmstead farmsteadsmith chicken australorp

Lots of pictures today! I got 6 eggs!
There were two Faverolles in one nesting box today, and the one sitting on another was the one to lay an egg! It was hilarious to watch! The one who was on the bottom, pictured below, never did lay an egg, she must have been pretty offended.

farmstead farmsteadsmith faverolles salmonfaverolles chicken

Squeakers was doing much better today! Not nearly as needy today compared to yesterday. She had two pain pills and ate breakfast AND dinner! Benji is doing perfectly but was pretty cuddly after he ran out all his energy.
Koodge was pretty needy today, wanting to only be sitting right by me and wouldn’t take anything less. Everyone was pretty cuddly, really. I assume because half of them had surgeries yesterday.

farmstead farmsteadsmith kitty cat benjifarmstead farmsteadsmith dog koodge beagle pitbull beaglemix pitmix

Witnessed one of the Welsummers lay the most gorgeous speckled egg! Then she yelled and yelled and yelled.

farmstead farmsteadsmith welsummer egg chicken chickenegg

farmstead farmsteadsmith chicken dirty faverollesfarmstead farmsteadsmith chicken wet langshan

January 12th

farmstead farmsteadsmith chicken eggs

Five eggs today. Trying to get creative with my eggy shots. Haha you can see some “behind the scenes” of a couple of chickens checking out what I’m doing with an egg! Haha
It was an odd day today. Didn’t get much done, but I swept!

farmstead farmsteadsmith chicken rooster easteregger

Tonight we put the four youngest chickens into the big coop with the rest of the flock! Crossing our fingers all is still well in the morning! Squeakers is doing even better today and ate a huge breakfast. I think she must’ve ate too much cause she didn’t eat a huge dinner. Haha Benji is doing just fine after his neutering, you wouldn’t even know it happened.

farmstead farmsteadsmith eggfarmstead farmsteadsmith egg chicken

January 13th

farmstead farmsteadsmith sunset langshan chicken

Last night we took the four youngest chickens out of their grow out coop and put them into the big coop with the rest of the flock. I was a little nervous to see what I’d find this morning when I opened the coop door but I was thankful to see all four littles were alive and well, of course. It took half the day but finally the little chicks went out of the coop and did some foraging. I also got a couple silly chickens to chase a sun reflection I projected onto the ground, like a cat with a laser! This little rooster (first pic) is the prettiest thing! I knew he was gonna be one, haha I hope he stays friendly.

farmstead farmsteadsmith rooster chicken oliveeggerfarmstead farmsteadsmith chicken oliveegger

Only got four eggs today. Let me tell you, I’m gonna be so mad if one of the hens decides not to lay because there’s “newcomers” in the coop!

Errands happened today and some general clean up around the outside of the house. Husband clipped down some of the larger bushes. It was a high of 58*f today that I saw and it was a beautifully sunny day. Other than running errands, I spent most of my day observing these chickens to make sure that introduction went decently.

Caught one of the Cuckoo Marans singing her egg song and took about 223326 photos just trying to capture one with her mouth open mid-squawk! Got some! I think they’re funny!

farmstead farmsteadsmith chicken cuckoomarans maransfarmstead farmsteadsmith chicken yelling cuckoomarans marans

Squeakers is doing even better today but wasn’t entirely interested in eating her breakfast this morning so I went ahead and bought some gag “canned” food for her. And she ate a ton for dinner if a mix of the canned and other feed. She’s so cute.

I got some REALLY amazing shots of my Langshans today. I really think I am going to need to print some out large and hang them on the wall. I don't think I ever thought I would want a picture of a chicken on my wall before.

farmstead farmsteadsmith sunset chickens langshans

January Week 2 Egg Count: 32

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Photos by me using my iPhone 8+, unless stated otherwise!

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