How Easy To Chili Does Not Erupt When Fryed & Stir-fried

I love to make and eat sambal, both raw and cooked. But, sometimes I like to resent when making chili sauce because it must fry chilli first. Chili that if fried or pan-fried was also able to cause eruptions. In effect, the oil will splatter everywhere, including into my hands. Just enough to taste.

Well, after experimenting many times, chili eruption can be overcome easily, you know. You just need to follow the 5 simple tips below only.


Make sure the chili is dry

Before processed, chilli must be washed first to clean. However, do not directly enter the wet chili into a pan filled with hot oil. Water attached to the pepper will trigger the eruption when in contact with oil. Therefore, instantly dry the pepper after washing using a kitchen wipes or clean cloth

Slice or chili first

In a state of intact, chili has the air content in it. This air will evaporate when exposed to hot oil and eventually make chili popping. Well, to prevent it, sliced chilli first; can be 2 or 3 parts. If you want to process it into chili sauce, chili is better split only vertically without breaking. It can also prevent oil to prevent excess oil in the pepper.

Use a little oil

If frying other foods are recommended to use a lot of oil, frying chili instead. To fry the chili, you only need to use a little oil, about 5 tbsp. As for sauteing chili, 2 tablespoons of oil is enough.

Use of this little oil will prevent the chili "skipping" or erupting when fried and sauteed. In addition, oil is also not a waste. Because usually, chili oil will not be used again because it has been affected by spicy effects.

Fry or stir in a small fire

In addition to using a little oil, frying and sauteing chili is also better done on a small fire. Small fire will keep the temperature of the oil so it is not too hot and does not make chili popping. Not only that, the use of a small fire also makes the chilli mature well and evenly.

If frying large amounts of chilli, use a frying pan

If you will be frying chilli in large quantities, it would be quite inconvenient if you have to slice it one by one. In addition, frying can not be at once because the number so increased 2-3-fold. Pretty decent time, right?

Well, to be more effective, these chili can you give an incision using a knife. Then, when fried, use a griddle cover so the oil eruption does not splatter everywhere. But, keep the oil balanced and fire small yes to minimize the eruption of chili.

that's simple tips to avoid chili pepper when fried or pan-fried. The main key is the use of a little oil and a small fire. And after the chili is cooked, immediately remove and drain it so it will not burn. Hopefully this info useful!

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