Green Tomatoes = Pumpkin Spice Chutney - Community Assist!!

It's that season, right!?

Pumpkin Spice...... EVERYTHING!!!?????

Why not for a chutney as well? Americans will probably ask: "What's a chutney?"
My answer: A spread or a sauce made from end-of-season ingredients. That, is what it is to me. But this is my first time making or trying a chutney, so don't rely on my answer.... Internet it!!


Backstory: we had over 20 tomato plants in our 30'x50' backyard this year. Last year we had nearly 30. The season is late and the nights are getting cool in Michigan.....So we have LOTS of green tomatoes that will not be ripening. Same problem we had last year!!!

And last year, about this time, is when I saw this and took the screen capture:

When I saw this link last year we had already given away or disposed of all our green tomatoes. So I never tried the recipe. HERE is the link to @jkiw's post. I wish she was still active so I could say "thank you." At least I can say "Thanks" to @mariannewest for the share.

So this post isn't going to be the recipe or cooking directions. Follow the link for that. And.....I never follow directions well anyway. My cooking is much more haphazard than that. (9/10 times it still turns out doesnt.)

Here are a few of my improvs:

  • I don't know metric well for cooking terms. So I noticed some relationships based on ratios. 1/3 the onions and 1/4 (but I did maybe 1/3) the apples compared to your green tomatoes. Etc.
  • I used about another 1/4 portion of pie pumkin(it's a variety). I pureed it with some of the tomatoes.
  • I used less sugar and maybe more salt than her portions.
  • I added nutmeg, but no cinnamon....I wanted to, but we were out.
  • and I used curry powder, and powdered ginger instead of fresh(use what you have and don't fret!!).
  • and we had some fresh red chillies, so I added 3. Hot seeds and all!!


It made 3 quart jars.


I cooked it down to a thick salsa/dip consistency. And did a simple canning method as she mentioned. This is probably all going to be consumed in the next 2 weeks or less.

If everyone loves it, I'll be making a bigger batch to overwinter. We have plenty of green tomatoes and.... pumkin(Thanks to a friend!!).


First impressions?? It's pretty good. My wife said so. :-D
It's cooling off in the jars, and I want to try some on toast, and on crackers.....but that first taste(licking the pot clean) has me really excited for it. I look forward to making a lot more!!

How do you preserve and put away your end-of-season bounty?

And what is chutney to you(esp. for our English friends!)?



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