What's new? Getting ready for winter!

Well...the snow is melted and the mud covers half my wheel well, when I baha and get stuck.
I am land locked for another few days or so. I am grateful that is is not an extremely wet spring.

The look of spring is always so dirty looking to me.
When you are cleaning up, underneath that beautiful brown blanket, it is teaming with new life.
This one made me scream when he made his appearance. Wish they would let you know they are coming!!!


We have been watching the partridge (I think they are actually a grouse) come in closer. They are now hanging out with the chickens. Here is a partridge hen that is dirtbathing in the chickens spot. We have a rooster that is sweet on her. It is fun to watch him try to wooooo her.


Working on the garden is taking lots of time. I am trying make it goat and chicken proof. I know, I know, I am laughing at the notion too. LOL But I will do my best. It is till too cold to plant anything until the end of the week.
Here are the chickens IN the garden...LOL


We don't have any babies yet, but it is getting closer and closer. We have a hen that is taking all the eggs to hatch them. She even has duck eggs.

I am cutting up all the wood, it is a race against the bugs and the bush filling in. It will be alot harder in a week. I have almost half of my wood ready for next winter. It is my hope to have a 2 year supply at all times. I love that nothing goes to waste! You can see the current bushes already starting to flourish.

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The wolves are moving through. The dogs are very restless and the howling goes all night long. The way that the wind carries the sound through the forest is eerie and magical. They will be back in the fall. :)

There have been some extremely high winds that have sheered the tops off the conifers. I have been working to remove them, so that I can get out when the road is passable. Free firewood, and great homes for the wildlife.


I have been absent from steemit for a little bit now, and I miss you all! I try to upvote so that it doesn't go to waste! Would love to hear how you all are doing! What's new in your world?

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