Free Range Chickens - Better Here or There?

You chicken owners know

that the chickens can have SO MUCH yard to roam in and they will likely end up in all the places YOU DON'T WANT THEM!

This girl spent several hours just hanging out on the front porch. When I approached her to take this picture she was sitting directly in front of the front door like one of the cats or dogs. She didn't seem too bothered by me coming up to her. Actually I think she may have been waiting for me there. Perhaps to be held or fed? It wasn't until I knelt down with my camera that she decided to get up and walk behind my boots.

I kinda like having the hens come around the house, but I do not like all the poop on the porch! LOL

Even with all the fuss about the hens on the porch

I'd rather them hang out there than in the garden. That's FOR SURE. They can tear up a fresh seed bed or eat a bunch of fresh seedlings in minutes. My garden last year was almost totally destroyed by chickens when I first got it planted.

This year I'm using a lot of wire to keep the cats and chickens out of the fresh seed beds. This picture shows some old tomato cages laying on their sides in a fresh bed of flower seeds to help deter the cats from using it as a big litter box, and the chickens from scratching it all to pieces. I hope it works. My lovely bride @findingjoy would love to see all those Zinnias and Marigold flowers come up and thrive.

Thank you for sharing this time with me!

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